The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 193: Old man: Nian Nian, it doesn’t have to be in a tree

Chapter 193 Old Man: Nian Nian, you don’t have to hang yourself from a tree

“I think we need to fundamentally solve this problem.” Li Jianhong looked at Su Nian seriously.

Su Nian also sat upright obediently.

When Li Jianhong saw her, he held her hand: "Nian Nian, what happened this time has reminded me that I shouldn't be so selfish anymore. You are a good girl. You can't be harmed like this by my son, so I I feel like our fate has almost ended here.”

Su Nian was stunned by these words.

 It also made Li Beichen sit up straight.

Li Beichen: "Dad, what do you mean?"

But Li Jianhong ignored Li Beichen's words: "Nian Nian, there are many people in this world, and they don't necessarily have to hang themselves on a tree. With your appearance, you can definitely find a man who is much better than Beichen. , There is no need for you to get involved in their affairs. Really, I am really scared. I am afraid that you will be in danger again. If you have problems because of this guy, then I really can’t explain it to your father. "

Li Jianhong was awakened by Li Beichen's words.

Indeed, according to Huo Linyuan's method, Su Nian must stay with him and Li Beichen to be safe.

 But in Li Jianhong's case, the only way to be safe is to stay by his side.

Although Li Jianhong didn't want to admit it, he knew that if there was really something wrong with that Lan Ren, then this brat would definitely hand Su Nian over as soon as possible.

"Dad, I appreciate your kindness, but this is my life."

Li Jianhong continued to persuade: "Don't say it's your life. Your life shouldn't be like this. Nian Nian, you are the best girl I have ever seen. You deserve happiness. Let's do this. I'll send you away. Send you away." Go outside and see the people and things outside. If you want to continue to like Beichen, then that's it. If you fall in love with another man, then I can marry you off as my daughter. "

Although Su Nian was extremely moved by the old man's words.     But she always felt a little awkward.

   【The father-in-law persuaded his daughter-in-law to remarry in front of his son. Wow, this scene is really beautiful. 】

  【Much more exciting than in the last life. After all, at this time in the last life, Li Beichen couldn't breathe. 】

  【Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? 】

Although Li Beichen also found it a bit funny, he now knew what he should say.

"Dad, I was wrong about what happened before. I will definitely treat Su Nian well and won't let her suffer any harm again."

But when Li Beichen said this, Li Jianhong immediately looked over: "You told me this, do you think I might believe it? Beichen, I know that I am using strong methods to force you to marry Niannian. Everyone will When I make a mistake, I now admit that I was wrong, and I want to correct this mistake, can’t I?”

"If that's the case, then dad, why don't you give me time to correct my mistakes." Li Beichen was not afraid of the old man's momentum at all.

If it were any other time, then Li Jianhong would definitely be very happy, happy that his son had finally enlightened and understood what Su Nian was doing, but now he was really scared.

Li Jianhong: "Correction, I promise you now, if something similar happens again, what will you do? Will it cost Su Nian's life? Li Beichen, even if you are my son, I can't take her life." Go gamble."

Su Nian looked at Li Jianhong, his eyes moistened.

  【Not to mention it is for Mo Bao, even if it is for the sake of the old man, I will stay here! 】

 (End of this chapter)

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