The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 197: Su Nian, you can guarantee that the child in your belly

Chapter 197 Su Nian, can you guarantee that the child in your belly is Li Beichen’s?

Li Beichen wanted to get close to Su Nian.

But when he walked to Su Nian's side, he suddenly lost everything.

"Su Nian, don't you think it's funny when you say this? Beichen doesn't love you at all, and he doesn't regard you as his wife at all. You now regard yourself as his heir. Aren't you afraid that Beichen will fall from his grave? Climb out?" At this time, a director said contemptuously.

Su Nian shouted directly at the man: "Then let Li Beichen crawl out of the ground for me. In this case, I, Su Nian, will definitely return all rights to Li Beichen!"

 “Su Nian!”

Another director spoke up: "Su Nian, can you guarantee that the child in your belly is Li Beichen's?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed.

Li Beichen looked at this scene, his heart was twisting, and he shouted with all his strength that she was his wife, and she was the only wife Li Beichen recognized.

 But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make them hear.

 He looked at those people and said, "Unless I do amniocentesis."

“Yes, you only need to do amniocentesis, then we can trust you.”

And Su Nian didn't panic at all: "What are you doing? Now all the assets of the old man and Beichen are in my possession. Now I am the major shareholder of the Li family. No matter what you say, this can't be changed." fact."

These words made Li Beichen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

 That's right, as long as Su Nian holds all the shares.

 There is no need to be afraid at all.

"You mean to admit that the child in your belly is a bastard? Hahaha, Beichen and the old man were so smart that they fell into the hands of a little girl like you. In the end, a **** got everything. I will go to Beichen tomorrow. Please tell Beichen carefully in front of Chen’s grave. I would like to know how Beichen feels.”

This made Li Beichen's heart become anxious again.

As expected, I heard Su Nian's firm voice: "It seems that I have to do amniocentesis even if I don't have to do it. After all, the word "bastard" is too heavy and my child can't carry it."

 The screen then changed.

 He saw Su Nian lying on the operating table.

 He looked at her hands held tightly, and he could feel her whole body trembling.     “Can’t do it, can’t do it, no”

Li Beichen woke up from his dream.

 He covered his head.

 He had a nightmare again. How many times was this nightmare?

 At this moment, a terrible thought came into Li Beichen's mind.

 …Is this really a dream?

 Has Su Nian really experienced this?

When he realized this, Li Beichen couldn't help but sweat broke out on his back.

It's impossible, it's impossible for Su Nian to have experienced this.

If Su Nian had experienced this, how could she have been clamoring to give birth to Mo Bao every day.

Su Nian is not a fool.

You would still give birth to a child knowing that you would face such a situation?

Moreover, the old man dotes on Su Nian so much, and now he is clamoring for Su Nian to divorce him and find a good man for Su Nian. How could he let Su Nian face such a thing?

With these thoughts, Li Beichen's panicked heart gradually calmed down.

 But Li Beichen still felt that the dream was too real.

  It was simply the same as what he had experienced personally.

But if you think about it carefully, Su Nian said that he had died long ago in his previous life. Since he was dead, how could he experience it with his own life?

Even though he thought so, Li Beichen still lay down and couldn't help but hold Su Nian, who was sleeping beside him, in his arms.

 Come to find peace of mind.

 (End of this chapter)

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