Chapter 407 Confused

Su Nian was taken to the hospital by the police.

 She didn’t know why, but her heart ached.

 Then Zhou Xu hurriedly came to her.

“Madam, Mr. Li is injured.”

 When he heard this, Su Nian's heart suddenly tightened.

 How could something happen to him?

Huo Linyuan's attention was clearly on him, wasn't he hiding in the dark?

Su Nian then followed Zhou Xu to the emergency room in a hurry.

 Wherever you go.

Lan Min appeared in front of her: "It's all you, it's all you. If it weren't for you, how could Beichen not love me? Give Beichen back to me. Give Beichen who loves me back to you." ”

Su Nian is still confused now.

 What happened?

"If it wasn't you, then how could Beichen not love me? It's all you."

 Did something happen to Li Beichen?

This thought appeared in Su Nian's mind, and she trembled all over.

 Zhou Xu controlled Lan Min in time.

"Zhou Xu, let me go, let me go, it's this woman. It's because of her that Beichen won't follow Linyuan's orders. It's all because of this woman."

Zhou Xu followed him all the time.

But when he saw Huo Linyuan getting off the helicopter, he stopped on it.

Think about being able to adapt to changes.

 So Zhou Xu knew exactly what happened.

Seeing Lan Min like this now, he felt angry in his heart. He immediately grabbed Lan Min's hand and threw him roughly to the ground: "Is there any reason to carry out Huo Linyuan's order? Why should I do it according to Huo Linyuan's wishes?" Kill his wife according to his wishes, Lan Zhi, who do you think you are?"

Su Nian looked at Zhou Xu.

"Madam, according to Mr. Li's plan, we rushed to the hospital first, and then bribed the doctor to complete the scene. However, Huo Linyuan stopped him and wanted Mr. Li to join forces with him to hurt you. Otherwise, Huo Linyuan would The wife of the CEO of Li Group attacked a police officer, so he was furious." Zhou Xu paused at this point: "Mr. Li said that dealing with those who hurt their wives is what every man should do. If I If I don't do it, then am I still a man?" Su Nian's brain buzzed.

“Madam, Mr. Li really loves you to the core.”

 Does Li Beichen really love him?

Su Nian was really confused.

 At the same time, many pictures came to mind.

 He said love.

 Say that you like it.

 Speak various things.

 Why is this happening?


Su Nian’s eyes were full of disbelief.

"Zhou Xu, you are talking nonsense. It is impossible for Beichen to love her. The person Beichen loves is me, not her. Who is she? I am the person Beichen loves most. Back then, Beichen gave it to me." Lan Min at this moment Feeling that she was about to lose something very important in her life, she desperately wanted to catch it, and then she wanted to rush to Su Nian again.

 But she has not yet arrived in front of Su Nian.

But this time, she missed the mark.

 Because someone picked up Su Nian.

Su Nian didn’t react at all.

 At this moment, a deep voice sounded in her ears.

"I won't let anyone hurt you. Even if I am on the operating table, as long as I know someone wants to hurt you, I will crawl to your side to protect you."

Su Nian raised his eyes and saw Li Beichen's serious expression.

 Faced with such an expression.

Su Nian couldn't help but raise her hand, wanting to touch his face.

But before she could touch him, the man held her hand.

 “I am alive, not a ghost.”

 (End of this chapter)

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