Chapter 415 Huo Linyuan, you lost this game

“Oh, why did my voice changer fall off? I really deserve to die.” Su Nian said in a pityful voice on the other side of the phone.

 Such a voice was simply insulting to Huo Linyuan.

Su Nian: "Huo Linyuan, you have lost this game. Stop struggling. If you lose, you lose. If you negotiate the terms happily, I can spare some points. If you are not happy, then don't blame me for being a cruel woman."


"Don't throw the phone. The last time you dropped the phone, it shook my ears. Don't be dissatisfied. You know very well how you got Lan Min out of prison and what methods you used. This time, you also used it. At this point, I can definitely expose your collusion between government and businessmen and put the life of my child on you."

"Indeed, you can blame the matter on Officer Yang, but what kind of connections did you use? There are no clues. But why did the Mercedes-Benz police car and the police disappear while walking, and at the same time they were still blocking the road section? , let’s bet on whether you can control the situation.”

 Collusion between officials and businessmen.

Huo Linyuan thought of this, so he asked his secretary to buy marketing or something immediately.

This crime is indeed a bit too big, and there are many things involved. Even he does not dare to take risks.

The blood from Huo Linyuan's wound really overflowed more and more.

 The whole person's face was as pale as paper.

"what would you like."

"I want your clothing subsidiary. After all, my current clothes are popular and I need to continue to develop them. Your company just happens to have them ready-made, so I can wholeheartedly build my own clothing brand. Mr. Huo, you are always so generous. , I believe you will agree."

 The matter has come to this, how could Huo Linyuan disagree.

 Even said, does he still have a chance to choose?

Huo Linyuan immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

 This time, Lan Min was frightened.

 “Linyuan, Linyuan…

Su Nian on the other end of the phone felt really happy when he heard these voices.

Seeing Su Nian's face look good, Li Beichen was in a good mood too.

 But his smile soon froze.

  【Although I know that the hero and heroine will probably come back with revenge soon, it's really quite refreshing now. ]    【No wonder so many people like to read Shuangwen novels, they are so refreshing. 】

 He will not let those two **** come back with revenge.

 Won’t give it any chance!

But while here, Su Nian's expression changed.

And he got up directly and left in a hurry.

Such movement naturally brought Li Beichen back to his senses, and he immediately stood up: "Su Su, what's wrong?"

But Su Nian had no intention of paying attention, which made Li Beichen's brows furrowed even more fiercely.

   【Death, death, death, my aunt is here. 】


Li Beichen stopped.

  【Didn't I just talk nonsense about miscarriage? As for that? As for coming to me like this? 】

  【No, no, I have to get pregnant with Mo Bao quickly. After all, after I became pregnant with Mo Bao, I could stay away from my aunt for at least ten months, and I would be happy for at least ten months! 】

Li Beichen:…

 He sighed helplessly in his heart.

  Sometimes I have to admit that Su Nian’s temperament is a bit too optimistic.

She thought that if he had not known through dreams how much she had suffered in her previous life, then he might have believed it.

Li Beichen took out his mobile phone and looked at his calendar.

 She raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw the date marked last month.

The difference is not much. It seems that the traditional Chinese medicine given by the old Chinese doctor is effective, and her body is slowly getting better. I believe that if he takes care of himself for a while, Su Nian's body will be completely healed.

Li Beichen took out his mobile phone and made a call.

“Zhou Xu, please find a time to make an appointment with the old Chinese doctor from before.”

 (End of this chapter)

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