Chapter 420 Lu Jing’s anxiety

Sun Ying'er felt relieved as soon as she vented her anger like this.

 After all, it’s hard to find a three-legged toad, but it’s also hard to find a two-legged man?

Sun Ying'er immediately turned around gracefully.

 “Sun Ying’er, you will regret it.”

These words successfully made Sun Ying'er stop in her tracks: "Regret, what do I regret? If I choose you, then I will get nothing, but if I resist, then there is still a glimmer of hope. If I win, If so, then I can get you, Huo Linyuan, we’ll see.”

 After saying this, Sun Ying'er strode forward.

I don’t know if it was an illusion or something else, but Sun Yinger really felt much more relaxed.

The kind of relaxation is really indescribable.

 It was like a burden that had been carried for many years was lifted.

 Sometimes, it’s really good to let go.

Sun Ying'er couldn't help but close her eyes and breathe the fresh and free air.

But before she could take a breath of air, a voice rang in her ears: "Sun Ying, how can you give up just because you say you want to give up? After all, that person is the person you have loved for many years. How can you give up? If you I gave up, so what should I do?”

These words successfully made Sun Ying'er frown.

Did the family know about this conversation so quickly? Did you catch up here? Just come to persuade?

But she has made her decision this time!

But when Sun Yinger opened her eyes, she was stunned.

 Because the person standing in front of her was not from the Sun family, but Lu Jing.

"Sun Ying'er, why are you so stupid? You finally waited until Huo Linyuan was willing to marry you. Why did you refuse? And if you refuse this opportunity, then you may never have a future with Huo Linyuan in this life. Do you really want this to happen? "The reason why Lu Jing is here is because Lan Ren came to him crying yesterday.

 Crying that Huo Linyuan wanted to marry another woman.

At that time, Lu Jing almost laughed out loud when he heard this!

Huo Linyuan is going to marry another woman, so his opportunity will come. As long as he can seize this opportunity, he can take advantage of Lan Min's sadness and win the beauty back.

 So he followed her secretly, just to wait for Lan Shi to see Huo Linyuan discussing marriage with another woman, and then show up in time to give her a big shoulder.

Who knew that Sun Ying'er would not agree!

 If he doesn’t agree, what will he do?

There are so many people in the upper class circles. Why doesn’t Sun Yinger know about Lu Jing’s liking for Lan Min? “Young Master Lu, what do you mean?”

"I don't mean anything. I just think that you have loved someone for so many years and finally achieved success. It's a pity that you give up now. Miss Sun, you really need to think about it carefully and don't let your life be like this." Such a regret.”

Sun Ying'er really doesn't know how to describe her mood now.

She thought about how many people would come to criticize and persuade her if she rejected Huo Linyuan, but she really didn't expect that the first one to come would be Lu Jing, who had nothing to do with her.

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Lu, your industry is actually the entertainment industry."

Lu Jing was trying to persuade her, but he didn't expect that she would suddenly say this. He was stunned, and then subconsciously said, "What do you mean by this?"

“There is a saying that is good when you are close to vermillion, and when you are close to ink, you are black. No wonder you are like this, Mr. Lu. It is probably because of this reason.”

Lu Jing was not a fool. He reacted immediately: "What do you mean? You actually said that I look like a woman."

Sun Ying'er didn't get too entangled with him, but waved and took a taxi and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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