Chapter 433 Give me a chance to coax you

Su Nian stayed in the room.

 In fact, what she said to Sun Ying'er during the day was not all from her heart.

She stayed in the old house these days mostly because she felt a little uncomfortable, but Su Nian didn't know how to describe her discomfort.

  It is a very strange feeling.

 She lay on the bed and sighed deeply.

 Rolled around on the bed.

 Perhaps it was because Li Beichen's behavior during this period was a little too confusing, which made her lose her temper.

People's tempers are easily spoiled.

When Su Nian thought of this, he felt a little stuffy in his heart.

 Just get up and walk to the balcony.

 But when Su Nian pushed open the balcony door, she was stunned.

 Because she saw the sky full of sky lanterns.

 Under the darkness of night, the sky lanterns slowly ascended to the sky and stretched to the distant sky.

People can’t help but look at these sky lanterns, put their inner wishes into them, and let them float to the sky.

 Suddenly a gust of wind blew.

 A sky lantern blew in front of her.

 At this time, she discovered that there was a note on the Kongming Lantern.

 “My sweetheart, don’t be angry, okay?”

Su Nian:! !

Did Li Beichen create this Kongming Lantern?

Then a lot of Kongming lanterns came over.

“My dear, if you are angry, can you not be angry in front of me again?”

 “I was wrong, I was really wrong.”

 Seeing these notes, Su Nian really didn't know what to say.

 With so many notes, if someone else sees them, won’t they be laughed at?

 And how can he guarantee that she will be able to see it?

 Just when Su Nian was slandering. Li Beichen's voice rang in his ears: "Su Su, can you give me a chance to coax you?"

This voice seemed to be coming from the sky.

Su Nian subconsciously raised his head.

Unexpectedly, she saw Li Beichen floating towards her in a hot air balloon.

hot air balloon! !

Su Nian never expected that Li Beichen would appear in such a way.

  When the hot air balloon stopped in front of her: "I know I was wrong, so I don't ask you to forgive me, but I just want to ask you to give me a chance to coax you. After all, I have been very worried these days."

"worry about what."

Li Beichen said with a solemn face: "Being angry will hurt your body. I'm worried that you will hurt your body because you are angry with me, so I am very worried."

These words successfully made Su Nian, a shameless guy, feel a little embarrassed.

 “Can you give me this chance?”

Su Nian remembered what the old man said at this moment.

  【The old man said, you can't be too proactive, you have to hang on, otherwise he won't take me seriously. 】

  【Yes, I can't be so worthless. 】

  【Wrong, wrong, the character of my novel is the kind of person who likes me unconditionally. Now that Li Beichen is like this, I really should bow my head, but, but...】

Li Beichen looked at Su Nian.

He was actually very happy that Su Nian was getting angry with him like this.

 Because Su Nian is like this because of her true nature, not for acting, but because she really feels uncomfortable.

"Besides, Su Su, you are so smart. If you avoid me and don't give me a chance to show off, then your anger will be in vain." Li Beichen spoke, his eyes becoming gentler.

But before Su Nian could respond, the old man's voice rang out: "Come here, shoot this guy down for me. Whoever shoots him down for me will be rewarded heavily."

These words made Su Nian's heart tighten: "You should leave quickly. What if you get beaten down?"

But Li Beichen reached out to Su Nian at this moment.

 (End of this chapter)

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