The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 449: We are not good people, why should we pursue morality?

Chapter 449 We are not good people, so why are we pursuing morality?

 In the shopping mall

Sun Ying'er and Su Nian each held a milk tea in their hands and looked at the children's clothing store not far away.

 Looking at Lan Min who was buying clothes.

“I think it’s a bit immoral for us to gloat about misfortune.” Sun Ying’er took a sip of milk tea.

 “We are not good people, why should we pursue morality?”

Sun Yinger thinks it makes sense.

Su Nian looked at her: "And sister, don't forget, but it wasn't my suggestion that you called me here."

Su Nian received a call from Sun Ying'er as soon as she opened her eyes today.

It is said that Lan Min began to learn how to be a good mother.

 So I took her to have a look.

 If there is any need for help, then they can help.

Hmm, it’s quite a loss.

But when the heroine is unlucky, this is what the vicious female supporting role should do.

 “Let’s go, sister, it’s time for our vicious female partner to do some work.”

Sun Ying'er laughed when she heard this, but she still pretended to protest: "What do you mean by this? Why are we vicious female supporting characters?"

"You have called me here, and you are not yet a vicious female partner. But I think that no matter what we do, we must do it to the extreme. If we are extremely vicious, then we are also powerful people."

Sun Yinger thinks it makes sense.

 Then her two vicious female partners appeared in front of Lan Min.

When Lan Zhen saw her, his heart suddenly tightened. But she still managed a smile: "What a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here. What are you doing here?"

 “Buying clothes for the children.” Su Nian answered calmly.

This made Lan Min's face stiffen.

It took three seconds before he spoke: "Ms. Su, are you also buying clothes for your friend's children?"

 “No, I’m buying clothes for my future children.”

These words completely changed Lan Min's face.

Su Nian walked to the rack of infant clothes and started to fiddle with the clothes casually: "Lan Yan, didn't I lose a child before? So Beichen felt that we need to prepare for pregnancy seriously, so I thought of visiting here. , After all, there are the most childish people here, maybe if I wander around here a lot, I will have good luck with my children.”

 Prepare for pregnancy.

Su Nian's happy expression really stung her eyes.

Su Nian felt really happy.

In her last life, this woman kept saying that she had used special means to become pregnant with Li Beichen's child, so she was belittled and looked down upon in various ways. Now she has a chance to take revenge.

How could Su Nian not take revenge?

"Lanji, what you said before is right. It is good for two people to love each other. I thought you were wrong before, but now I realize what you said is good. Lanji, I am sorry for the fact that I wrongly blamed you before. , I apologize to you." After saying this, Su Nian walked directly to Lan Min and held her hand very affectionately.

“Hey, Lan, your hands are so cold, are you sick? It would be bad if you were sick.”

These words simply couldn't keep Lan Ren smiling.

Sun Ying'er, who was next to her, also cooperated and said: "By the way, Lan Min, what are you doing here? You just told Niannian that she was also buying for a friend. Could it be that you were also buying for a friend? I just saw you choosing so carefully. Looks like this, I guess this friend is very important to you, that’s why you are so attentive and attentive.”

 (End of this chapter)

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