Chapter 452 I can’t give birth to a son as strange as you

“Well, Mr. Lu, you can tell me why I am cunning.”

"Who knows what you are quibbling about, Su Nian, how dare you, a woman, to admit it."

Now is a God-given opportunity. Not only can I regain my place in front of these two women, but I can also make my image great in Lan Min's heart.

Su Nian took a few steps directly in front of Lu Jing.

This aggressive look actually made Lu Jing want to retreat.

"What are you doing, what are you doing? Don't think that I can't do anything to you even if you are a woman. I can do anything. If I hurt you then, don't rely on me."

 After Lu Jing appeared, Lan Min's mood improved slightly.

 At least now Lu Jing is here and he is not alone.

 But Lan Zhen's expression changed the next moment.

It's because Lu Jing said: "Su Nian, I have never seen such a wolf-hearted woman like you. Do you know that Li Beichen once said a lot of good things to Lan Min, and Li Beichen confessed to her many times, and even said , If Lan Min chooses Li Beichen, nothing will happen to you now. "

 This made Lan Zhen subconsciously grab his clothes.

 But in Lu Jing's eyes, this is what Lan Min also thinks he is right about.

"You don't know, once Lan Min wanted to eat something, she just said something, and then Li Beichen would try his best to get it. As long as she felt a little uncomfortable, Li Beichen would definitely guard her every step of the way, but you Well, if I’m not wrong, Li Beichen definitely didn’t treat you like this, haha.”

 But as for Lu Jing, the most uncomfortable person is Lan Min.

Following Lu Jing's words, scenes appeared in Lan Zhi's mind.

  It seemed like every word was saying that she seemed to have missed someone who was good to her.

 Maybe even the best person in the world to her. Su Nian was not timid at all, and said directly: "Okay, there is a surveillance camera in this store. I will ask the clerk to bring out the surveillance camera later. What if the surveillance camera shows that I did not embarrass Lan Min!"

 The momentum of such a roar really shocked Lu Jing.

Su Nian took this opportunity to launch a sustained attack: "If I don't have the recipe to embarrass her, then you can kneel down in front of the Li Group and call me aunt."

Sun Ying'er, who was next to her, said in confusion: "Why is it my aunt? Isn't it usually the case that you call me mom?"

"Sister, you are stupid. How could I give birth to a son with all kinds of strange things like Mr. Lu? I am still young, and I still want to be famous."

 All kinds of strange things?

At first, Lu Jing was so shocked by Su Nian's attitude that he didn't know what to say.

But when he heard this, Lu Jing seemed to have caught Su Nian's hand: "It's all kinds of weird, haha, is this how you describe people?"

 “Aren’t you a strange person?”

 Lu Jing:…

 “Let me ask you, do you dare to bet?”

Lu Jing was directly frightened by Su Nian's attitude.

At this moment, Lan Min's voice sounded: "Okay, okay, Lu Jing, please stop arguing. There is a misunderstanding."

Pretending to be a white lotus here again, Su Nian sneered in his heart: "Lan Shi, tell me, have I made things difficult for you? Don't forget, I'm your boss, and you see me slandering you like this." Boss, I'm not impressed at all, I'm deducting your salary now."

 (End of this chapter)

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