Chapter 459 Frank Lu Jing

"Who knows why he is a good person but has bad eyesight, and he actually falls in love with Lan Min instead of me." Sun Ying'er sat next to her and said naturally: "But I'm also curious, why do you all fall in love with Lan?"伈, and he’s so determined.”

Sun Yinger is really curious about this.

Forget it about Huo Linyuan, after all, the two of them truly love each other.

 But she really didn’t understand what was going on with Lu Jing and why he was so determined.

 When Lu Jing heard this, his body suddenly stiffened.

He glanced at Sun Ying'er and then smiled: "Because she doesn't dislike me."

Sun Ying'er originally just asked casually, but she didn't expect that Lu Jing would actually answer.

I heard Lu Jing say: "Most of the women I've been in contact with before were close to me because of my money. They were women with the same family background as mine. They all despised me for not being smart. Only Lan Min didn't despise me. Because money is close to me.”

Sun Ying'er: ...It turns out that this guy actually knows that he is not smart.

I really don’t know what to say at this moment.

"I know that in terms of scheming and means, I can't compare to Li Beichen and Huo Linyuan. Fortunately, my old man is very strong. As long as I can give birth to a child with a good mind, it will be fine."

 There is nothing wrong with this logic.

But if Sun Ying'er remembers correctly, then this lack of intelligence will still be inherited.

 Seeing Lu Jing like this, she was really speechless.

 It’s really a bit cruel.

 “Actually, you are not what you said…”

“Then can you marry me?” Lu Jing said directly.

Sun Yinger:…

 Can she take back what she said a moment ago?

This guy's brain... Lu Jing snorted coldly: "Look, this is the difference between you and Ji'er. Ji'er will not dislike me."

Sun Yinger originally wanted to be sarcastic.

  But in this situation, it’s really hard to say anything.

 I can’t say it out loud, but if Lan Min really doesn’t dislike him, she will marry him.

 Sure enough, sincerity is really a surefire skill.

"Young Master Lu, don't feel inferior. It's not that you have a brain problem, you should call it honesty. This is simply too impetuous. It's just that we lack a sincere person like you. I believe you can win the beauty."

"Then can you marry Huo Linyuan? As long as you marry Huo Linyuan, then Ji'er will be able to completely give up on Huo Linyuan, so that I can take advantage of him."

Sun Ying'er: "No."

Lu Jing sighed deeply: "I really think that Miner is the one who came to save me, but I met her after Huo Linyuan met her. If I had met her before Huo Linyuan, then I can definitely win her heart, but even if I can never marry her, I will protect her well because she doesn't dislike me."

Lu Jing's sincere attitude really made Sun Ying'er a little embarrassed.

Isn't it a little too much for her to gloat here now?

 After all, everyone is like this.

"Master Lu, I have never seen a more sincere person than you. I believe you will definitely win the beauty back. After all, Huo Linyuan and Li Beichen are scheming all day long, calculating everything. In this impetuous world, you are also considered a person. Qingliu." Sun Ying'er said these words quickly.

 She also had a purpose in saying this.

 In order not to laugh out loud.

 After all, people are so frank, she absolutely cannot laugh.

Hmm, I can’t laugh, hahahaha…

 (End of this chapter)

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