Chapter 461 Rich theoretical knowledge

 Li Beichen knew it very clearly.

He died early in his last life, and that brat was so filial, so maybe Su Nian had another man.

 He doesn't care about any of this.

But he swore that if he heard that man's name in this little woman's heart, he would never let that man appear in front of Su Nian in this life!

Su Nian chuckled inwardly when he saw the fire in Li Beichen's eyes.

 You must know that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

  She saw **** in his eyes.

  【It is said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth, so practice it slowly】

This made Li Beichen subconsciously relax.

 From a certain perspective, he chose the right method.

This reminded Li Beichen of the days when Su Nian and Sun Ying'er had just established their sisterhood, and the days when he stayed alone in an empty room.

 He didn’t even sleep with her in his arms for a few days!

Thinking of this, Li Beichen couldn't help but reach out and hug her tightly.

Although Li Beichen knew clearly that this was playing with fire and burning himself, he still wanted to do it in his sour heart.

“Drinking more hot water is really good for your health.”

Su Nian immediately heard that his tone was a little urgent.

 This made her eyes flash with a hint of cunning.

And Li Beichen did not miss this sight.

At this moment, he really felt that there was a demon in him that was seducing people.

 It makes people want to indulge.

But the fox took advantage of the moment when he was in a daze and reached out to give him a heavy push.    Escaped directly from his arms.

Li Beichen:…

"Beichen. I always drink water according to your wishes, because I know that if something happens to my body, you will be worried. I am really not afraid of your jokes when I say it. When you didn't love me before, I often fantasized, What would it be like for you to take care of me if I was sick, but now that you really love me, I won’t let you go.”

After saying this, Su Nian threw herself into Li Beichen's arms again.

 And this time she hugged his neck.

The moment the lost softness returned to his arms, Li Beichen couldn't help but tighten his grip.

After Su Nian felt the man's strength, he deliberately said in a doubtful voice: "Beichen, you hurt me."

Li Beichen is really curious now! How many books has this little woman read? How much have you learned!

 Because he felt that she was really serious about learning knowledge.

 Very serious.

 No action is redundant.

"What's wrong? Why are you hugging me so tightly all of a sudden? Did something happen? No, we just talked in a nice way. You didn't answer the phone, and Zhou Xu didn't barge in. Why are you like this suddenly? ”

  While saying this, Su Nian got closer inch by inch.

 Soon their lips were only a stone's throw away.

"Do you want my life?" Li Beichen finally couldn't help but ask.

Su Nian’s smile bloomed like a flower. However, she continued to say in a puzzled tone: "Beichen, why did you say that? How could I kill you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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