Chapter 478 The Coffee Plan Failed

When Li Beichen heard this, his anger immediately dissipated a lot.

And turned his head and said to the woman standing at the door of the lounge: "Are you tired of playing in the lounge? I'd like to ask you to stay a little longer. I'll stay with you after I finish handling these things."

Li Beichen, who spoke softly at this moment, was completely different from just now.

 This really made Su Nian breathe a sigh of relief.

  【Li Beichen was so serious just now, I didn't dare to speak. 】

This made Li Beichen frown and couldn't help thinking whether he should pay more attention when teaching his subordinates. At least Su Nian should pay more attention when he was in the company.

   【The way he looked just now, like a living hell, made me a little afraid to pour coffee on his crotch. 】

 Pour...what to pour?

Li Beichen held his forehead, wondering where she was thinking.

At this moment, the executive standing respectfully in front of Li Beichen:

 It’s over, it’s really over this time, Mr. Li is holding his forehead.

 They are really getting more and more scared now. After all, it took many years to get into the shoes of the senior executives of the Li Group.

One of the executives quickly spoke: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I will definitely change it. This time it was our negligence. I'm sorry. You can punish me however you want."

 Another executive also quickly expressed his position.

Afraid of having a bad attitude, I asked Li Beichen to handle it.

Su Nian took advantage of this moment to sneak out and walk to the tea room to make coffee.

 After can't pour hot coffee over it.

 Arrived at the tea room.

Su Nian started making coffee.

 Every step is strictly controlled.

 Especially the temperature of the coffee.

 It is important to know this temperature.

If it is cold coffee, then with Li Beichen's smart mind, he will definitely be able to guess her little abacus. If it is too hot...then it cannot be...after all...

 So this temperature is very important. In this way, it took Su Nian ten full minutes to make the coffee.

She carried the coffee and walked back to Li Beichen's president's office happily.

When she opened the door, she deliberately said in a sweet voice: "Beichen, I think you must be tired after working for so long, so I went to make coffee for you."

 “My good aunt, it turns out you actually have such a gentle side.”

When Su Nian heard this, he realized that Lu Jing, who had arrived at some time, was sitting on the sofa carefree.

  【Why is this guy here? 】

Lu Jing stood up and walked to Su Nian: "I guess you must be curious at this time, curious about why I am here, aunt, don't ask, I will tell you directly, I am here just to I came here to find you. You received so many benefits from me, but you don’t work. Auntie, you said you haven’t been there for several days.”

Lu Jing became angrier as he thought about it.

 These two women are so unreliable.

  I have given you so many benefits, but you actually didn’t go there for two days.

Lu Jing was so angry that his throat felt a little itchy, and he immediately snatched the coffee cup from Su Nian's hand: "It's better to come early than to come at a good time. I can try your handiwork, auntie."

Su Nian:! ! !

  【wc, this **** guy actually drank the coffee I made for Li Beichen. 】

Li Beichen next to him couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

There is nothing else put in this coffee.

 If this is really the case, then he can't let Su Nian stay with this guy.

  【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I prepared this carefully just to pour on Li Beichen's crotch. This guy is dead, absolutely dead. 】

Li Beichen, who originally planned to get up and pull Su Nian to his side:...

Lu Jing: Auntie is so stingy. She knocked so many things on my place, and now she is so angry just after a cup of coffee. ╭(╯^╰)╮



 (End of this chapter)

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