Chapter 488: Lu Jing, the grudge, has made progress

As soon as Sun Ying'er came out, she saw Lu Jing again, this big wretch.

I have to admit that this grievance has made progress.

Wearing black sunglasses and a wig, she dressed herself up.

 But you can still recognize him as soon as you get closer.

“Are you acting like this to give the impression that you haven’t left the hospital?”

 Lu Dingding nodded.

Sun Yinger:…

Sun Ying'er then took a deep breath: "Then why do you think I can recognize you at first sight?"

Lu Jing’s expression immediately changed.

“I, I have made such changes, and you can still recognize me.” Lu Jing then quickly got into the car, but he did not forget to call Sun Ying’er: “There is no time to explain, get in the car quickly.”

Sun Yinger reluctantly got into the car.

When the car started to drive, Lu Jing began to mutter: "That's not right. I asked the secretary clearly, and asked several times, and they all said they couldn't recognize me. I just came out. Why can you tell that it's me at a glance?" of."

Sun Ying'er just gave him a faint look.

 Just this look made Lu Jing feel more uncomfortable than directly insulting himself.

"Wait, wait until I go back and deal with them properly, deduct their wages, and let these people deceive this young master." This can't be blamed on him. These three women didn't come. He was really bored to death in the hospital.

 So I came up with this wonderful idea.

 Disguise yourself and come out.

But I didn’t expect that Sun Ying’er would see through it all at once.

“Well, since I’m taking your car, you’ll send me to Su Nian’s place first. After you send me there, you can go find trouble with your secretaries.”

These words reminded Lu Jing. He came here today just to find out the news about Sun Ying'er.

"Did you come here for something? Did Huo Linyuan force you to marry him? Tell me what kind of coercion and inducement you faced. We have dealt with this many times, and we are somewhat familiar with it. friendship."

Sun Yinger did not speak. Seeing her like this, Lu Jing wanted to continue saying something.

“Okay, drive away quickly. You keep stopping here so much. Even if you didn’t arouse others’ suspicion just now, you will arouse suspicion now.” Sun Ying’er interrupted Lu Jing’s question.

Hearing this, Lu Jing could only drive the car honestly.

 Since it was working time, Lu Jing drove the car directly to Li's Group.

 And followed Sun Ying'er into Li's company.

 The reason why he did this was because Sun Ying'er's face didn't look good at all on the road.

 Obviously something big happened.

How could something like this happen without him!

 Arrived at the president's office.

After Sun Ying'er entered, she said directly to Li Beichen who was sitting in the office: "Mr. Li, Niannian is here."

 Li Beichen: "She is in the lounge, what's wrong?"

“I need to see Niannian for something. Is it convenient for me to go in and find her?”

Li Beichen saw Sun Ying'er's serious look and knew that she had something to do with Su Nian: "It's convenient, you can go in and find her."

With Li Beichen's permission, Sun Ying'er strode directly towards the lounge.

Lu Jing naturally followed.

But before Lu Jing took a few steps, he heard Li Beichen's cold voice: "Stop."

Lu Jing's back suddenly felt cold, and then he smiled: "Li Beichen, I came with her. We have very important things, so don't make trouble."

But when he met Li Beichen's eyes, he completely lost his courage.

Li Beichen snorted coldly. It was strange that Sun Ying'er could speak to this guy.

 (End of this chapter)

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