Chapter 492

  When Sun Ying'er returned home.

 After explaining Huo Linyuan's conditions, I didn't expect that the family would not be very happy.

But thinking about it, Huo Linyuan's current situation is not very good. Although she also feels that Huo Linyuan cannot die so easily, it is also very dangerous.

“Ying’er, what do you think?” Sun’s father thought for a long time and finally looked at Sun Ying’er.

But Sun Ying'er smiled in her heart.

Sun's father sat on the chair: "I have seen your thoughts on Linyuan over the years. The marriage of the Huo family has indeed brought some benefits to our family, but to me, these benefits are not as good as your intentions."

Sun Yinger knew very well that these words seemed to give her the right to speak.

 In fact, the risk should be transferred to her.

After all, it was her idea. No matter what Huo Linyuan looks like in the future, she will be the first person to bear it, but if she makes the right choice, then he can enjoy all the benefits.

“I don’t know what the situation of the Huo family is like now, so I dare not say anything.”

Sun's father looked at Sun Ying'er for a long time: "You want to know the situation of the Huo family?"

Although Sun Ying'er didn't know from Li Beichen that the current situation of the Huo family was the work of Li Beichen and Lu Jing, she didn't know the specific situation.

Ever since she came into contact with Su Nian, she suddenly didn't want to be a **** in the marriage.

"Yes, I want to know the actual situation of the Huo family now. Father, you asked Mrs. Li and me to work together because you also want to gain some benefits when the Huo family and the Li family are fighting. And I can also say that now As a person in the center of this hurricane, I feel that I need to know more, so that it is necessary for us to understand the current situation of the two families. After all, only in this way can I and Mrs. Li be able to know keenly. If I don’t know the information we need, then even if I come into contact with something, I won’t be able to detect it.”

Sun’s father didn’t say anything. Sun Ying'er's attitude towards her father is not surprising at all.

  After all, she is just a marriage **** in this so-called father and so-called family, and she is not qualified to touch the core of the company at all.

 This is also to prevent her as a chess piece from developing ambitions that she shouldn't have.

Sun Ying'er was not in a hurry: "This is just my suggestion, father, I'm tired, I'll go back to my room to rest first." After saying this, Sun Ying'er turned around and walked outside.

Just when she was about to walk to the door, Sun's father's helpless voice rang out: "What's going on with you kid? Why are you so impatient? You left before I even said anything. You look like this." It’s like I don’t give it to you.”

Sun Ying'er stopped when she heard this, but there was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of her mouth.

Soon, Sun Ying'er obtained the Huo family's current information.

 The first time she got the information, she didn't read it, but sent it to Su Nian.

Although Sun Ying'er knew, Su Nian might have known it for a long time. Even if he didn't know, as long as Su Nian wanted to know, as long as she told her, then Li Beichen would definitely put all the information in front of her.

But sincerity is very important.

 When Su Nian read the information, he fell into deep thought.

 She did not expect that Li Beichen and Lu Jing would join forces to push Huo Linyuan to this extent.

 (End of this chapter)

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