Chapter 495 Let this guy have a good drink

the next day

Su Nian did not follow him to the company honestly.

When Sun Ying'er saw Su Nian's bad face, she asked with concern: "What's wrong? Why is your face so dark today?"

Su Nian holds his forehead.

Although she really regarded Sun Ying'er as her sister, she also knew what to say and what not to say.

If you say it, wouldn’t it be embarrassing?

 My husband would rather solve the problem by himself than come to me.

 Haha, Zhiyin Wenzhao has entered reality.

 No wonder the time in the last life was so short!

The time is short and you are so pretentious that you won’t let yourself touch it.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that I was in a bad mood last night and had a nightmare.”


Su Nian looked at Sun Ying'er's concerned look, took a breath silently, and adjusted her mood: "It's really okay. What can I do? What can I do? Look at me like this, I'm alive and kicking."

Sun Ying'er is also a smart person. She also figured out that Su Nian probably had some privacy issues and it was inconvenient to say. Since it was inconvenient to say, she stopped asking: "I thought you were also annoyed by that guy Lu Jing."

 This actually interests Su Nian.

Sun Ying'er then told Lu Jing about the situation surrounding her.

After saying that, Sun Ying'er rubbed her head with her hands: "Now I understand why Lan Min doesn't fall in love with Lu Jing. As for Lu Jing, I'm not talking nonsense. I guess he will be a bachelor in his life." , Only someone who is blind would look at him." This successfully made Su Nian laugh.

 “He didn’t bother me at all.”

"I guess this guy doesn't dare to bother you. If he did, he would have been dealt with by Li Beichen long ago."

Seeing Sun Ying'er's angry look, Su Nian felt that as a sister, she needed to do something to help her sister, so she put her arms around Sun Ying'er's shoulders: "Okay, okay, sister, don't be angry, sister, help you vent your anger. How about it."

Sun Ying'er knew that Su Nian had great ideas, and her eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this.

 Then he saw Su Nian taking out his mobile phone and calling Lu Jing.

 The call will be picked up over there in seconds.

Then Lu Jing's flattering voice rang out: "Auntie, the sun is out somewhere today, and you actually asked me to take the initiative to call me. I'm going to go back and look through the solar calendar later to remember this good day. ”

Su Nian heard this voice and thought that the kind of eunuchs in ancient times probably had this kind of virtue.

"You also know that I am your aunt." Su Nian deliberately sneered.

"Aunt, what do you mean? How could I not know that you are my aunt? You are my aunt now. Not only that, you are the aunt I care about most and the aunt I am closest to."

"Since I am your aunt, how long will it take for you to give me my ten million? Haha, Lu Jing, you are a great man, you can't afford it, right? If you can't afford it, then just say so , as your elder, I won’t care too much about you.”

When Su Nian said this, she saw the confusion on Sun Ying'er's face, and then she leaned into her ear and whispered: "Sister, have you forgotten? I made a bet with this guy a few days ago, and I can just take advantage of this." Come on, let this guy have a good drink."

This time, Sun Ying'er's eyes suddenly lit up.

 “That’s right, I just want this guy to have a good drink.”

 (End of this chapter)

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