Chapter 498 What is this operation?

Lu Jing had been struggling for so many days, and it would be impossible for him not to be angry: "Lan Shi, what are you thinking? Why didn't you come when she didn't come? When she came, you just came. If it weren't for you, would I have been so tormented by her?"


Lan Ji finally understood why Su Nian was so arrogant.

"If my guess is correct, the reason why you showed up this time is because I made things difficult for Huo Linyuan. Haha, Lan Min, I will tell you directly that Kaogong did not have an arrow to turn around. If you want to ask me to stop, Then I advise you not to speak, I will never look back."

Lan Min's face looked extremely ugly now.

 Lu Jing was right, the reason why she came here was indeed because of the conflict between Lu Jing and Huo Linyuan these days. Recently, the Huo family was preparing for his marriage to Sun Ying'er with great fanfare, and this was even when Sun Ying'er didn't agree at all.

 This also caused her to become a joke in the Huo family.

Lan Min knew very clearly that he had to do something. If he didn't do anything, he might just watch his beloved man marry another woman: "You misunderstood, I'm not here to persuade you." It’s you. It’s because of what you said last time.”

Does it still count?

Hearing this, Lu Jing looked over.

"If you want information about the Huo family, I can give it to you. I really treat you as a friend, and I hope you can see my sincerity."

 Lu Jing:! !

Lu Jing was doubting his ears now, and said in disbelief: "I heard you right, are you really right to do this? Don't you value Huo Linyuan the most? Do I really have a place in your heart? ?”

"I really regard you as a friend. Of course you have a place in my heart." Lan Min looked at Lu Jing sincerely and said. Lu Jing was happy now: "Hahaha, I knew it, I knew you must have me in your heart, Ji'er, you have me in your heart, hahaha, with your help, I will definitely put Huo Huo back." The family name was changed to Lu.”

Lan Min: "I went back and thought about it for a long time. I also hope to use this to prove my affection for you. Su Nian can't be more sincere than me. Su Nian has already snatched Beichen away. I really don't want to be there anymore." Losing you."

Lan Yan said this very seriously. But how could Lu Jing be in the mood to pay attention to him? All he could think about now was how to change the Huo family to the Lu family.

Hey, it’s best to change Huo Linyuan’s surname too!

 And immediately told Sun Ying'er and Lan Min's affairs.

Sun Ying'er was also stunned when she knew that Lan Min was going to betray Huo Linyuan. She didn't expect that Lan Min would betray her. She had to know that when Lan Min met her before, she said how could she love Huo Linyuan firmly, how could she betray at this time? Huo Linyuan.

Sun Ying'er found Su Nian in a confused mood.

Unexpectedly, Su Nian would be very calm after hearing this: "This is normal, it's no big deal, sister, don't be too surprised."

Su Nian’s calm look really impressed Sun Ying’er.

"If I'm not wrong, then Lan Min had this idea to help Lu Jing embarrass Huo Linyuan, so as to prove her weight. When Lu Jing really wants to do something to Huo Linyuan, she will plead with Lu Jing, then she You can transform yourself into a person who saves your loved one from danger."

Sun Yinger:? ? ?

 What operation?

"You think, the Huo Group is on the verge of collapse, and she Lanmin has a way to save it, what is it if it's not a savior?"

 (End of this chapter)

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