Chapter 510 Why are you still here today?

"Yes, there is nothing excessive about my long as my friends say happy birthday to me." Lan Min's face was gentle and sensible.

Lu nodded and said categorically: "Don't worry, Min'er, I will say happy birthday to you as soon as possible, and I promise not to give you a gift. After all, I prepared a gift for you last year, and you didn't even see it. Take a look, so I know what you care about."

Lan Min was stunned when he heard this.

 The gift Lu Jing gave her last year? Didn't she take a look?

 Is there still such a thing?

  Then Lan Min began to remember and tried hard to remember, but no matter how hard she tried to recall, she couldn't remember what Lu Jing's gift was to her.

Lanji's doubts fell into Sun Ying'er's eyes.

Sun Ying'er: "What matters is the heart? Lan Min really cares about the heart. On his birthday last year, he called other people's husbands to celebrate his birthday. This feeling is really different."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene changed.

Lan Min thought of the scene when Li Beichen was by his side on his birthday last year.

 And this year…

At this time, Lan Min remembered that Li Beichen once said that he would accompany him until his eightieth birthday, and he might break his promise this year.

Moreover, I personally pushed him to another woman.

When Lan Min thought of this, he felt really indescribable pain in his heart.

That kind of pain is really beyond description in words.

"Miss Sun, you can't say that. Beichen is my brother. My brother celebrates his sister's birthday. What's the point?"

Sun Ying'er sneered: "I just sighed, but I believe that such a situation will not happen this year. After all, Li Beichen said it himself, his eyes are better and he will not be as blind as before."

At this moment, Lan Min is teetering on the edge of collapse, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

 Lan Zhen watched Lu Jing Zhang Luo choose a gift for Su Nian.

She thought that after so many years of friendship with Li Beichen and Lu Jing, it was impossible for them to ignore them like this. Just like what Lu Jing is doing now, he may have intended such a big battle.

 Just to give yourself a surprise when the day comes.

Thinking of this, Lan Min immediately felt comfortable, and she also knew that she had to show a magnanimous look: "This year, Beichen and Su Nian finally got married, which makes me very happy. After all, as my sister, , I hope my brother can be happy more than anyone else."

Seeing Lan Min's sensible look, Sun Ying'er just sneered: "I hope you really think so."

 In the following time, Lan Zhen saw Lu Jing busy working on Su Nian's birthday every day.

 Selecting gifts here and there.

 Not satisfied at all.

 Even during this period, she was not given time to speak.

 This gave Lan Zhi a bad feeling.

 Just like that, the time soon came to the day before Su Nian’s birthday.

Su Nian opened her eyes drowsily, but before she woke up completely, she was held in a warm embrace.

"Why are you still here today?" Su Nian said vaguely with her eyes closed.

 The reason Su Nian said this is because during this period, Li Beichen went out early and came back late.

 Haven’t seen anyone all day long.

Plus Sun Ying'er said that he would prepare a perfect gift for her.

 So she was particularly bored these days.

The man's warm kiss fell on her cheek: "Because after I woke up today, I couldn't bear to leave you when I saw you in my arms, and you are much more important to me than those jobs."

 In this way, Su Nian succeeded in amusing Li Beichen's words.

 (End of this chapter)

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