The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 525: It’s not too much for a junior to kowtow to an elder, right?

Chapter 525: It’s not too much for a junior to kowtow to an elder.


Mr. Lin took the lead and walked to the sofa and sat down: "I don't know what you guys think, but from today on, Lan Min is my granddaughter. Anyone who bullies my granddaughter will have trouble with my Lin family."

Su Nian looked at Mr. Lin.

  【If I remember correctly, this didn't happen in my previous life. 】

[Well, as a heroine, Lan Min is loved by everyone and has flowers blooming. It seems that having multiple grandfathers is not a popular thing. As long as the author of this novel has a brain problem, then even if there are several It is normal to have a biological father and a biological mother. 】

  【As we all know, writing a Mary Sue novel does not require any so-called brains. 】

Li Beichen found the key information from Su Nian's complaints.

 This did not happen in my previous life.

During these days, Li Beichen studied some novels about wearing clothes for their future.

Although Li Beichen also knew that they were originally in the world of novels, and then looking for some novels to study, it did feel a bit like taking off their pants and farting, but there was no way.

However, now I heard Su Nian say.

 It never happened in my previous life.

Li Beichen feels that it would be better if more things that did not happen in the previous life happened more often.

 In this case, they can be said to have deviated from the original world orbit in a sense.

 Only he can better change their destiny.

Li Jianhong sneered coldly when he heard this, then looked at Su Nian, and said in a serious voice: "Nian Nian, did you hear it? Your Uncle Lin said so, if you don't bully this person in the future Lan Min, that doesn’t make sense, so don’t be polite and bully me as much as you want.” Mr. Lin:…

Although he knew that Li Jianhong, an old guy, liked to go against him, he never expected that he would go against him like this.

Su Nian looked thoughtful: "Wait a minute, I have a doubt. Can anyone explain it to me?"

These words successfully made the two old men look over.

"If Lan Min recognizes Mr. Lin as her grandfather, then according to seniority, I will be her aunt, and Beichen will become her uncle. Shouldn't we give you a meeting gift now?"

Mr. Lin:…


Su Nian’s focus is slightly different.

Li Jianhong slapped his thigh hard: "Yes, yes, you are still smart. You and Beichen, as elders, should indeed prepare a greeting gift. If you don't even prepare a greeting gift and spread it, it will definitely make people angry. I feel like there are no rules in our family.”

Hmph, **** old man Lin, isn’t he accepting a granddaughter?

Su Nian walked up to Lan Min and said, "This is your first time as a junior to meet me as an elder. As a junior, you kowtow to me. It's not too much."


Mr. Lin immediately slapped the table hard: "Su Nian, what do you mean?"

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong with the juniors kowtowing when they meet their elders? Is this considered an embarrassment? If you really find it difficult for me, old man, then I will apologize to you now. After all, I don't know about your tutoring, old man, and you and your father. It's different, they don't have the same rules as my family." When Su Nian said this, he lowered his head slightly and looked guilty.

 (End of this chapter)

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