Chapter 586 The mean-tongued Lu Jing

 As the eldest young master of the Lu family.

 Growing up, I don’t know how many people have been flattering him.

 But this is the first time that he has been taken advantage of by others.

 Go and flatter others.

 “Zhou Xu.”

Of course Su Nian knew what Lu Jing and Zhou Xu were doing, so he smiled and then said helplessly: "Okay, okay, you two, stop making trouble. If you two are really bored, then you can go out. good."

Zhou Xu immediately expressed his position: "I'm not bored. How could I be bored staying with my wife?"

Zhou Xu stabbed him like this. If Lu Jing didn't take revenge and go back, then he wouldn't be the dignified Mr. Lu: "Haha, Zhou Xu, when you say this, doesn't your conscience hurt? How can you not be bored? You sneezed so many times when you were here just now, you are so sincere to my aunt."

 In the end, the two of them were driven out.

And became the two door gods at the door of Su Nian's office.

  The person who causes entry and exit.

I couldn’t help but look at them twice.

Lu Jing didn't care. After all, he had no so-called advantages in his life, he was just thick-skinned. But Zhou Xu was different. Although Zhou Xu was only Li Beichen's secretary, he was one person below ten thousand people in the Li Group. Identity is respected even outside.

 Now, he really felt like an animal in the zoo.

Lu Jing smiled when he saw him like this: "Zhou Xu, why do you look so bad? Do you feel a little embarrassed? I can teach you the experience of being embarrassed. If you lose face too much, you will get used to it. You Look at me, I'm often embarrassed."

 Zhou Xu:…

"Young Master Lu, you are also the eldest young master of the Lu family. As the future head of the Lu family, you still have to pay attention to your image." Zhou Xu couldn't help but persuade.

It’s not because of kindness, but because Zhou Xu laughs when he hears this now.

 There are so many people coming and going here. If he really laughed because of Lu Jing's words, then he would be really shameless.

I can only say something else.

Lu Jing, on the other hand, was very calm: "Image, image is just a superficial thing. It doesn't matter what you do. Don't you know that people are shameless and invincible?"

Zhou Xu completely stopped talking.

At this time, Lan Min came in a hurry.

Of course Lan Min came here because Su Nian kicked Lu Jing and Zhou Xu out.

 “Why are you standing at the door?”

Lu Jing said honestly: "Obviously, we were kicked out."

Lan Min walked up to Lu Jing with distressed eyes and said, "How could Su Nian do this? How could he drive you out just like he said?"

But when Lu Jing heard this, he asked with confusion on his face: "What happened to me being kicked out? Didn't you, Ji'er, be kicked out by your elders when you were a child? I remember you were not an orphan."

Zhou Xu, who was next to him, helped: "If I remember correctly, Miss Lan, your mother died young, and your father married your stepmother the second year after your mother died. Then he printed that sentence, and you have a stepmother." You have a stepfather, so you are often kicked out."

"Then why are you having such a big reaction?" Lu Jing looked at Zhou Xu after saying this: "And I was not kicked out, but was plotted against me, huh, but there is no good end for plotting against me. ”

Lan Min originally thought that Su Nian had a bad temper and was in a bad mood, so he kicked Lu Jing out.

Now seeing Lu Jing looking at Zhou Xu so angrily, he really didn't know what to say for a while.

 After all, Zhou Xu is Beichen’s confidant.

If she offends Zhou Xu, and if he says something around Beichen, the relationship between herself and Beichen will be even more difficult to repair.

 (End of this chapter)

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