Chapter 598 Did Lu Jing’s tooth fall off? ?

Su Nian came to them.

He directly pushed Lu Jing away from Sun Ying'er, and then quickly helped Sun Ying'er up from the ground: "Sister, are you okay? If you fell or got bumped somewhere, please tell me."

Sun Ying'er smiled immediately when she saw Su Nian looking so anxious: "It's okay, it's okay, I just got pressed by this guy."

Even though Su Nian heard what Sun Ying'er said, Su Nian was still worried. He checked it carefully and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

"But Lu Jing is just a dog licker. Why do you have to eat so much? It's as heavy as a pig!" Although Sun Ying'er didn't have any problems from being hit by Lu Jing, Lu Jing is also an adult man after all. How could he not? pain.

Sun Ying'er became very angry when she thought of this.

As a younger sister, Su Nian saw that her sister was so angry. If she didn't do something, then her sister was really unqualified. She immediately looked at Lu Jing with a dark face: "Lu Jing"

But when she saw Lu Jing, Su Nian was really shocked.

 The reason why this happened was because Lu Jing's mouth was full of blood at this moment.

 "Lu Jing, you..."

 “My teeth!!” Lu Jing covered his mouth and shouted.

In such a situation, how could Su Nian and Sun Yinger care about anything at this time, so they hurriedly took Lu Jing to the hospital.

 Finally, I went to the hospital and the doctor saw me.

Lu Jing’s front teeth are loose and may fall out.

When Lu Jing heard this, it was like Wu Lei Bang Ding: "What are you talking about, my teeth will fall? You say it again!" "Okay, okay, don't be excited, don't you be excited, you are so great that you have not been in the business. Money for tooth replacement? If you don't have money for tooth replacement, then I'll pay for it. Don't make a fuss." Sun Ying'er felt really embarrassed when she saw him like a child.

Lu Jing covered his mouth: "Then if my teeth fall out, can I replace them with new ones immediately?"

The doctor shook his head at this time: "These teeth need to be customized. They are customized according to the specific conditions of your teeth, Mr. Lu. In this case, the teeth you replace will be almost the same as the real ones."

Su Nian fell into thinking when he heard this: "In other words, our Young Master Lu will have to look like he has missing front teeth for a few days."

 After saying this, the two women looked at Lu Jing at the same time.

Lu Jing closed his mouth tightly.

"Master Lu, I have a suggestion. Why don't you just get gold teeth? If you get gold teeth, then when you go out to talk to people in the future, you can blind them as soon as you open your mouth." Su Nian proposed seriously.

Sun Ying'er also echoed: "Especially when talking about cooperation with others, as long as you open your mouth, you can blind the other person's eyes, so the opponent will definitely not be able to think properly."

"Yes, yes, sister, you are smarter. If Mr. Lu really does this, then becoming a business overlord can be said to be just around the corner." When he said this, he looked at Lu Jing: "Master Lu, if it is true If this day comes, you must remember me. After all, I am your aunt. How can you despise poverty and love wealth? "

Su Nian and Sun Yinger subconsciously fantasized in their hearts.

Fantasy about what Lu Jing would look like with a big gold tooth on his head.

What can I say emmmmm? The picture is so beautiful that I really don’t dare to think about it ~

 (End of this chapter)

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