Chapter 601 Forced into a dream?

  When Li Beichen found himself in a dream, he was in a daze.

How is this going.

 He didn't sleep.

 Why are you dreaming?

At this time, Li Beichen recalled the situation before he entered the dreamland.

 How does it feel... This time it's like I was actively dragged into a dream.

 Yes, actively dragged into the dream.

 Why is this happening? He always fell into a dream after falling asleep before. Why did he fall into a dream like this this time?

 Will you see anything bad happen this time?

When he thought of this, Li Beichen's heart suddenly jumped.

 Then the picture around him began to become clearer.

   Nothing happened as he thought.

 Since Su Nian handed over some things to Mo Bao, the burden on his shoulders became lighter.

 I then started walking around.

 Start traveling around.

Although Su Nian is no longer young at this moment, wrinkles are slowly starting to appear on his face.

 But her smile couldn't help but dazzle him.

Although Li Beichen told himself that even if he saw Su Nian being attracted to other men, it was normal. After all, it happened in the previous life.

And Su Nian was already suffering enough in his previous life.

 But when he saw that man appear, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

 The man is a teacher.

I met Su Nian when she was visiting the lake.

 They got off to a good start.

Su Nian accidentally dropped the bracelet Mo Bao gave her. The man picked it up and waited there to return the bracelet to Su Nian.

We accidentally met each other when we went to a restaurant. I met him again when I was taking a walk.

Maybe it’s because the man is a teacher, so he has read a lot of books and has a lot of knowledge, so he tells Su Nian a lot of stories, and Su Nian listens to them with great interest every time.

Just like that, Li Beichen watched the two of them slowly approaching.

After Mo Bao learned the news, he immediately had someone bring him to him.

“Teacher Liu, don’t be surprised. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Chenmo, and I am Su Nian’s son.”

At this moment, Mo Bao is a little less youthful and more calm.

Teacher Liu was slightly stunned when he heard this: "Is Miss Su's son that old? I thought she was still a little girl."

 “What, you dislike my mother?”

Teacher Liu quickly shook her head: "No, no, I just... think your mother is really young, like a little girl."

Li Beichen, who has been watching the two of them get along, agrees with this.

Su Nian did look like a little girl in front of him.

 After all, in front of Teacher Liu, there is no need to become the fettered Mrs. Li, and there is no need to bear everything for the Li family.

Perhaps she was a little girl to begin with and was just forced to grow up.

 Then Teacher Liu started chatting with Mo Bao.

You must know that Mo Bao has been looking for a father for himself for many years. Now that such a person appears, of course he must hurry up.

 After some chatting, Mo Bao and Li Beichen, who was watching from the side, found out.

Teacher Liu is a primary school Chinese teacher. He is an honest person and was once married. However, his wife disliked him as he had no future as a primary school teacher and could not make much money at all, so she left him directly.

 Let’s not say whether Su Nian likes it or not, anyway, Mo Bao likes it very much and is very satisfied.

"Uncle Liu, if you really like my mother and want to be with my mother, then I will definitely support you. You just said that your ex-wife left you because of money. Don't worry, as long as you marry my mother, then You don’t have to worry about money, cars or houses, you can have whatever you want, as much as you want. If you have children in the future, you don’t have to worry about them. As long as they are born, I will take care of them for you.”

Li Beichen:…

Mo Bao, please call me filial son, thank you~



 (End of this chapter)

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