Chapter 627 Lu Jing’s Big Gold Tooth

 Lu Jing's life has been really difficult these days.

It can even be said that this period of time was the most difficult period of his life.

You must know that these days, Lu Jingneng doesn't speak at all. Although he is wearing a mask, it can't be seen even when he speaks, but it always feels a bit strange.

 Lu Jing is the kind of person who likes to talk very much, so he has been holding it in for the past few days.

 It’s really uncomfortable.

But these days are finally over.

 He custom-makes the most expensive, top-notch, and most exquisite teeth in the world.

finally reached!

Just like that, Lu Jing went to the hospital excitedly.

Before the operation started, Lu Jing called the doctor in front of him and said in a very serious tone: "I tell you, this operation must be done perfectly for me. If it is perfect, then I will definitely not do it." I will treat you badly. In turn, you know my identity."

 The doctors nodded repeatedly.

Lu Jing was satisfied when he saw the doctor like this.

 Immediately lay down on the operating table.

 As the anesthetic started to take effect, Lu Jing's eyelids became more and more heavy.

However, Lu Jing believes that once he wakes up, he will be a handsome self again! The kind of handsome guy.

I don’t know how long it took before Lu Jing opened his eyes.

 He now felt that his entire mouth was wooden.

But these are not important.

Lu Jing couldn’t wait to have someone bring him a mirror.

 He wants to take a good look at what the custom-made teeth he spent tens of millions of dollars look like.

 But when Lu Jing saw himself in the mirror, he was stunned.

 That’s right, I was stunned.

 The reason why he is like this is because his teeth are golden. gold! ! Big gold tooth! ! !

When Lu Jing came to his senses, he opened his mouth, looked at it carefully, and rubbed it with his fingers, but it was still gold.

 It’s really golden.

 Why is this happening? Why is this happening?

At this time, the doctor's respectful voice sounded: "Mr. Lu, we know that your status is very noble, so in order to be worthy of your status, we specially customized this color for you. You will definitely be The one who shines brightest in the crowd.”

 Lu Jing:! !

Who the **** wants to shine? !

Lu Jing now has the desire to kill someone.

Lu Jing walked toward the doctor angrily.

But the doctor just ran away as fast as he could.

Even if Lu Jing is not very smart, he still knows that someone is plotting against him.

 Forget about other things.

He actually plotted against him in this matter. If Lan Ren saw his current image, it would be strange for him to take a fancy to himself.

Then Lu Jing walked outside with anger all over him.

 I didn’t expect it, no one.

"Who is it? Come out to me. If you don't come out to me obediently and let me catch you, you will be responsible for the consequences. I will definitely make you regret coming to this world! I will definitely let you be cut into pieces. I'm sure It will make your life worse than death!”

At this moment, a gentle female voice sounded: "Mr. Lu, what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry?"

Lu Jing turned his head subconsciously when he heard this: "Do you know who I am? You actually plotted against me like this, you must be..."

He stopped before he finished speaking, and quickly swallowed all the words that had not yet been spoken.

 The reason why this is so is because the person standing not far from him is none other than...Sun Ying'er...

 (End of this chapter)

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