Chapter 647 I came up with a solution

Su Nian’s idle life was broken by Sun Ying’er’s phone call.

“Nian Nian, how are you physically and mentally now? How much do you eat every day? Are you feeling uncomfortable during pregnancy?”

Su Nian knew what was going on when he heard Sun Ying'er's words: "I'm fine, sister. If something happened, just tell me directly. Don't worry."

 “Is your body really okay?” Sun Yinger’s voice was still very careful.

This made Su Nian conclude that something must have happened, and it was still very difficult: "As a sister, how could I lie to my sister? And if I lie to you now, if something happens in the future, then sister, you must Won't tell me.

 Am I so stupid? "

Sun Ying'er was relieved after hearing this, and then started talking about the business: "Lin Na copied our clothes and quickly sold our same style clothes."

The Lin family is a leader in the clothing field.

 So they have an absolute industrial chain and an absolute distribution organization.

Selling similar clothes, the sales speed is even faster than their original version.

Although Sun Ying'er is not the kind of young lady who only knows how to spend money, she has little experience in this area, so she is a little panicked.

“Sister, I understand what you mean, don’t panic now, it’s not a big deal.”

Sun Ying'er on the other side of the phone felt relieved when she heard this.

 Although Su Nian's words of "it's not a big deal" may be words of comfort.

“Actually, it’s useless for them to do this. In fact, when you ask me whether I should guard against Lan Min, it’s actually the same reason.”

"What we have been selling since childhood has not been design, but a brand, which can even be said to be a spirit. The reason why it is so popular now can almost be said to be my sister. You decisively give up a man who should give up, which resonates. "

“It can even be said that the clothes we sell are based on your pain, sister, and other people do not feel this way.”

  When Su Nian said this, there was a hint of joking in his eyes.

“Sister, don’t forget, these so-called designs were no more than **** in their eyes.” “Niannian, have you thought of a solution?”

Su Nian smiled.


Lin Na looked at the reports from various places.

 She used the Lin family's channel design to instantly steal the sales volume from Su Nian and the others.

Lin Na looked at the reports from various places.

 Sales everywhere are booming.

 For the clothing industry, the most important thing is to create popular items. Even if you don’t have the ability to create popular items, you can still have the ability to distribute goods quickly.

Just get the opponent's clothes and quickly print them out.

By quickly distributing goods through all channels, you can also turn other people’s popular products into your own.

The Lin family also relied on this ability to achieve such great achievements and huge benefits in the clothing industry.

"Su Nian, Su Nian, you are indeed very smart, but what's the use of being smart? Running a company is not a child's play house." Lin Na looked at the numbers on the report and couldn't help but think about it. Su Nian asked them to After making so much money, even the spring goal may be reached in these few days. Should I worry about this and be a little gentler on him?

 After all, he is a kind person.

 When she thought of this, Lin Na smiled.

 The next moment, her office was hurriedly pushed away.

“It’s not good, it’s not good, Mr. Lin, we have a wave of returns in many places.”

 (End of this chapter)

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