The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 651: Why did my husband become stupid after getting pregnant?

Chapter 651: Why did my husband become stupid after getting pregnant?

 “If I can, I really want to take on everything for you.”

 Li Beichen has said this many times.

Su Nian even laughed at it before.

but now…

 Perhaps the pregnant woman is too fragile.

 Easier than usual to rely on others.


Li Beichen patted her back gently.

However, although Su Nian had morning sickness in this life, she had a good appetite.

  Doesn't look weak at all.

 Li Beichen's complexion is getting worse day by day.

When Li Jianhong came to visit, he was really shocked to see him like this.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so haggard? What do you mean by looking like this? If you don't know, then you are still not easy to take care of. If you really think that my Nienian is not easy to take care of, don't Force yourself, don’t force yourself, just let me take care of you.”

Before Li Beichen could speak, Su Nian's voice sounded first: "Dad, don't say that. Beichen has taken good care of me during this period."

Li Jianhong: "Then why is he acting like this? Don't tell me. It's because of him. Let me come. Hey, I came with this attitude. This guy is really enough."

Su Nian quickly explained Li Beichen's attitude these days.

  When Li Jianhong heard this, he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

 The reason why this is the case is that Li Jianhong thought of the past.

Thinking of what Li Beichen's mother looked like when she was pregnant, he couldn't help but walk to Li Beichen's side and patted him on the shoulder: "I was like this when your mother was pregnant with you, but you still have to adjust well. Keep your mind well, after all, Nian Nian is by your side, what if you affect Nian Nian’s mood?”

When Li Beichen heard this, his brows furrowed slightly. He knew this very well.

 But he is really a bit...

Su Nian couldn't help but sigh when he saw Li Beichen like this: "If this continues, I suspect he will suffer from postpartum depression."

 “I wish it was me.”

Su Nian:…

They say that pregnant women become stupid after three years of pregnancy. I have never heard of my husband becoming stupid after pregnancy. 】

 In fact, Su Nian knew very clearly why Li Beichen said that, but he still couldn't help complaining in his heart.

But when Su Nian didn't even realize that he was complaining, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, okay, don't say these useless words here. You might as well do something practical. For example, go now and don't hang around here with this unlucky face." Li Jianhong looked at it with disgust. Li Beichen glanced at him.

Then Li Jianhong motioned to Lao Shen to put the things in front of Su Nian, and said enthusiastically: "Nian Nian, these are good things I specially asked people to find for you."

“The doctor said you shouldn’t eat too much during pregnancy,” Li Beichen reminded from the side.

This made Li Jianhong frown: "What do you mean by this? You mean as if I don't understand. If I don't understand, then why are you here? From a certain perspective, If so, I have more experience than you."

Li Jianhong couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he said this.

Although there were so many servants at home and various professionals were arranged, Li Jianhong still felt that he had treated Su Nian a little bit wrong.

It would be great if Li Beichen's mother was still alive.

There was also a mother-in-law who told Su Nian some things to pay attention to as a person who had been there. After all, no matter how good his father-in-law was, he was still a father-in-law.

 Under such circumstances, he always hopes to be nicer to Su Nian and treat Su Nian better.

 (End of this chapter)

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