Chapter 663 The brain circuit is really amazing

Thinking about it this way, Sun Ying'er really admires Lan Min.

Although I can't say what Lan Min really thinks about Lu Jing.

Isn’t it torture just to have this idiot around?

It seems that this Lanzi is not an ordinary person.

"Stop making trouble, tell me what you want to do! Tell me what you want me to do, just say it, no matter what you say, I will do it, but! You must give it to me right away Get out of here, get out of here as far as you can."

"Auntie, how can you say that? If you don't know, then you would think..."

Sun Yinger immediately looked at him with murderous eyes.

 Lu Jing:…

Sun Ying'er then continued to say in a gritted voice: "Speak quickly, don't talk nonsense!"

 Under such circumstances, what else could Mr. Lu do? He could only speak honestly.

Sun Yinger originally comforted herself.


 As long as you endure it, it will be fine.

 But in fact, Sun Ying'er underestimated Lu Jing.

 Because Lu Jing actually said that he wanted her to post on Moments.

And the content is thoughtfully edited.

Sun Ying'er now feels a little regretful, regretting why she didn't let Li Beichen kill this guy directly.

"Aunt Sun, I promise, I promise that as long as you send it, I will definitely not disturb you, and you can get away as far as you want."

Sun Yinger was still unmoved.

 The reason for this is because she felt that if she really posted this, she would definitely become a joke to everyone in the circle.

And the kind that made me laugh hard for three years.

"Auntie, what are you waiting for?" Lu Jing's eyes were as bright as they wanted to be at this moment. After a long time, Sun Ying'er spoke again: "Lu Jing, what on earth did you do to me in my last life that you want to do this to me?"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Jing fell silent.

Lu Jing also put away the playful expression on his face.

 The atmosphere was a little condensed for a while.

 The two of them stood face to face.

I don’t know how much time passed before Lu Jing said, “Sun Ying’er, you dug my ancestral grave in your last life.”

Sun Ying'er:! !

Lu Jing's face was serious at this moment: "As we all know, digging ancestral graves is a sinful thing. In this world, nothing is more abominable than digging ancestral graves, but Sun Ying'er, you dug it in your last life."

Sun Ying'er really couldn't stand listening any more, so she stepped forward and gave Lu Jing a big slap in the face.

 “Try talking nonsense again!!”

Lu Jing, who had been beaten hard, looked aggrieved: "Why did you hit me? Didn't you ask? You asked me, so I answered. Even if you are my aunt and an elder, you can't If you say you're going to hit someone, you're really going too far."

Sun Ying'er really didn't know what to say.

She now really doubts that this guy Lu Jing can't understand human speech.

Sun Ying'er doesn't want to see this guy at all now, not even for a moment!

 So he turned around and left.

But when Sun Ying'er took a few steps, Lu Jing followed one step.

“Lu Jing!!” Sun Yinger, who has been taught by her family to be a lady at all times since she was a child, now looks like a shrew.

But Lu Jing, the culprit who caused Sun Ying'er to become like this, said with an innocent face: "Aunt, you just said that as long as I say anything, then you will do whatever you want, and when you are done, I will leave immediately. Now I have said, You didn’t do it, so of course I have to follow you.”

Sun Ying'er: ...this guy's brain circuit! ! Really awesome.

It’s time for everyone to celebrate the New Year. Then I will start to torture. I will finish the plot of the previous life. After I finish the torture, I will not torture again.



 (End of this chapter)

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