Chapter 669 Danger is coming

 When Li Beichen finished watching the surveillance.

 He was suddenly shocked.

 Because the monitoring shows.

When Lan Min was dragged into the yard, the servant planned to do something to her.

   Lan Min suddenly spoke.

She said: "You can't do this to me. Beichen was just instigated. Regarding the relationship between Beichen and me, you should know that if Beichen hadn't been instigated, Beichen would never have done this to me.

You must know that Beichen and I have been friends for many years. Beichen once said that I am the most important person in his life. No matter what happens, he will be by my side. "

 That’s right, it’s about these wheels.

These words have been said countless times by Lanzi.

But Li Beichen saw the expressions of the servants around him full of emotion.

 Some people even cried bitterly.

 That's right, this is what happened.

If other people saw such a situation, they would definitely be shocked, and they might even think that Lan Min used some kind of magic to be able to convince so many people in such a short period of time and make so many people devote themselves to her. .

 But Li Beichen knew that this was a plot.

 Also understand that danger is coming.

What should I do now? What should I do? If this was just a problem with the servants, Li Beichen would just need to change a batch of these servants. But it is different now. In such a situation, even if he changes a batch, it will be useless. .

It can even be said that the old house that he thought had iron walls was actually a joke.

 Su Nian is in danger all the time now.

 What to do now, what to do now?

Li Beichen panicked subconsciously.

He knew very clearly that now was not the time to be anxious. He couldn't panic. He absolutely couldn't panic. He had to think carefully about what to do. The hope of Su Nian and Mo Bao was in him.    He had to think of something.

 But the more this happened, the more confused Li Beichen felt.

"Master, what's wrong?" Lao Shen asked subconsciously when he saw Li Beichen like this.

Li Beichen closed his eyes: "It's okay"

With Li Beichen's condition, how could Lao Shen believe that nothing was wrong.

Lao Shen: "Master, I have already checked. There is nothing wrong with these people, and they have not had contact with Lan Min before. But don't worry, I will definitely continue to check, and I will definitely find out whether Lan Min has used it. What kind of means. Master, I know very well that you regard me as your uncle, and you won't blame me, but you and the old man gave the entire old house to me just because you trusted me. How could I betray the trust you two put in me? ”

Li Beichen really wanted to laugh when he heard this.

 Check it, how to check it? If you didn’t know the plot, how could you have thought of this.

 When Lao Shen said this, he was actually looking at Li Beichen secretly.

Su Nian's current situation is not as good as before. Although the old man and he are very satisfied with Li Beichen's current condition, Su Nian is pregnant after all. What if something goes wrong at this time?

However, when he saw Li Beichen's frowning face, he knew that his worries were unnecessary.

“Uncle Shen, just do what you said.”

 “Okay.” Lao Shen simply responded and left.

 Leaving Li Beichen thinking alone.

Li Beichen began to think about it constantly. Imagine what to do.

 But there are no answers.

 (End of this chapter)

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