Chapter 674 Lu Jing’s witty disease occurs again

Lan Yan took a few steps back: "This sentence is not what I said. It really is not what I said. I have never said such a thing, and it is impossible for me to say such a thing. Really, really Linyuan."

But Huo Linyuan immediately grasped the key point of this sentence: "What do you mean? This sentence is not yours, so what you mean by this is that you have said similar words before, or Li Beichen has given you Made similar requests.”

Lan Min shook his head.

"Haha, you care about Li Beichen so much. Since Li Beichen broke up with you, you have tried every means to get close to Li Beichen. You have been thinking about how to resolve the misunderstanding with Li Beichen every day. If you think so, then I will help you. ." After Huo Linyuan said this, he called someone: "Throw this woman out. From now on, you can't let this woman come near you without my order."

Lan Min was completely panicked.

What does Huo Linyuan mean by this? Does Huo Linyuan want to break up with him?

"Linyuan, Linyuan, you can't do this to me, you really can't do this to me."

 But Huo Linyuan obviously didn't want to listen to this woman's nonsense.

 Let Lan Min be dragged away.

For Huo Linyuan, no matter whether this recording is true or not, he must show his attitude. Now he is not completely sure that he can kill the Li family, and he cannot let Li Beichen find something to use against him.

As for Lan Min...he felt that he had indeed doted on this woman a little too much during this period and needed to teach this woman a lesson.

 At this point Lan Min was driven out.

 Lan Min also had to put all his attention on Huo Linyuan.

 He began to think of ways to calm Huo Linyuan's anger.

When Su Nian learned about Lan Min's recent behavior, he felt inexplicably familiar with it.

 As soon as I thought about it, I understood.

 Lan Min wanted Li Beichen to continue to be his licking dog before, and he tried every means to do so.   It turns out that Lan Min can be eaten all over the world with one move.

 This was not only discovered by Su Nian, but also by the clever Lu Jing.

 And found Lan Yan who was exhausted physically and mentally.

Lan Min burst into tears when he saw Lu Jing.

But just as Lan Min's tears were halfway flowing, Lu Jing said: "Lan Min, in fact, you don't care about me that much, and I don't exist in your heart at all. I'm just a fool in your heart, right?" "

Lan Ren, who originally wanted to express some grievances to Lu Jing, froze when he heard this.

“Lu Jing, what do you mean? What do you want to say?”

Lu Jing smiled miserably: "Actually, I have loved you for many years, just like Li Beichen, but no matter what I do these years, you can't see it. You only have Huo Linyuan in your eyes. No matter what Huo Linyuan does to you, you seem to be possessed. Same, since Li Beichen left, I have been thinking, you love Huo Linyuan so much, do I really have a chance? "

Now Lan Min was completely panicked.

"So I'm here to tell you that we won't see each other from now on, and you have nothing to do with me." After Lu Jing said this, he turned around and left.

"Lu Jing, Lu Jing, you can't do this, you can't leave me at this time." Lan Min hurriedly chased after him.

Lu Jing was almost overjoyed when he heard these words.

 Yes, yes, this is what he wants.

Lu Jing now feels that he is really smart.

With such a smart person, it’s only a matter of time before he wins a beautiful woman, hehe.

 (End of this chapter)

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