The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 679: Do you know what it feels like to want to kill someone?

Chapter 679 Do you know what it feels like to want to kill someone?

"I knew you were lying to me just now. You don't care about me at all. Why, why, why can't you see me no matter what I do?"

Well, Sun Ying'er admitted that she felt a little sympathy for Lu Jing like this.

But the current posture really makes...Sun Ying'er a bit...

 “If that’s the case, then I can only...”

Sun Ying'er's eyes widened immediately when she heard this.

What does this guy want to do?

When she thought of this, Sun Yinger struggled subconsciously.

 But his arm was tightly held by this man.

 Can't break free at all.

 Such a situation really made Sun Ying'er feel a little scared.

At this moment, Lu Jing suddenly said: "Since you regard me as your brother, then I will be your brother? Let's just marry Jinlan here today!"

Sun Ying'er: What, what, what, what?

When Sun Ying'er was stunned, Lu Jing dragged her to her knees and said, "I, Lu Jing, would like to have a sworn marriage with Lan Min. I don't want to be born in the same year and the same day, but I want to die in the same year and the same day."

Sun Yinger:…

 The Creator is really amazing... He is able to create such wonderful people.

  Flow batch.

the next day

 Lu Jing woke up from his hangover and returned to consciousness.

 When I realized that I was in a strange room, I was shocked.

 I immediately started thinking about what happened last night, but I couldn’t remember it.

 I just vaguely remembered that he seemed to be following Sun Ying'er...

  Yes, yes, I followed Sun Ying'er out.

This made Lu Jing feel relieved. Nothing would happen if he followed Sun Ying'er.

"you're awake?"

Hearing this voice, Lu Jing suddenly trembled. He followed the sound and looked over, and saw Sun Ying'er's face with a dark look. Lu Jing even felt that Sun Ying'er's eyes wanted to kill someone at this moment.

Such a look made Lu Jing hug the quilt tightly and act like a little daughter-in-law: "That, that, what did I do to you yesterday?"

Looking at Lu Jing's appearance at this moment, those who didn't know it thought Sun Ying'er had ruined him.

When Sun Ying'er saw Lu Jing like this, she thought that this guy pulled her into a sworn sworn relationship last night.

 And promised that his brother would treat her well.

 And it was repeated several times.

"You, you can still tell me what I did to you, don't be so lazy."

Sun Ying'er didn't say anything.

  pointed to the TV.

Lu Jing looked in the direction Sun Yinger pointed.

 When you see the picture on the TV.

 He now really feels that he is not suitable to live on this planet.

 “Aunt Sun.”

 “Do you know what it feels like to want to kill someone?”

 Lu Jing:…

 “Can you not appear in front of me in the future?”

Lu Jing shook his head.

When she saw Lu Jing shaking his head, Sun Ying'er suddenly lost her composure.

This guy has done such a thing, and he still shakes his head!

“Aren’t you afraid that if I publish this video, your reputation will be ruined?” Sun Ying’er was full of anger when she said this.

But Lu Jing was very calm: "I am not the only one involved in this video. If I am ruined, Aunt Sun, you will definitely not have any good fruits to eat. So to be precise, it is more likely that we will perish together. I am with Sun." After staying with you for so long, Aunt Sun, I can feel that you are a smart person, and you will definitely not do such a stupid thing."

Sun Ying'er: ...Why does this guy's brain suddenly become so easy to use?

Sun Yinger: It’s better to have **** after drinking!



 (End of this chapter)

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