Chapter 705 The Twelfth Dream (9)

Li Beichen looked at Su Nian.

  She never knew anything, and suddenly she was in charge of a company and a family. The burden on her was really too heavy.

 She should not have shouldered these responsibilities in the first place.

Li Beichen was awakened by the plot.

 For the first time, I felt that Su Nian was important and that I liked her.

It's because I'm afraid that Su Nian will disappear in this world, and I will be alone. I have to face this terrible thing alone, in a world controlled by the plot.

 It’s really ridiculous now.

 How ridiculous.

“Oh, your mother and I are not a fairy. I can’t think of everything. Don’t worry, I will definitely not be like this in my next life. I will definitely live a vigorous life and be happy every day.”

"Okay, I'll listen to you." When he said this, Mo Bao paused: "Remember to find a good father for me in the next life. Don't let me be without a father since I was a child like this life. Mom, you really don't Do you understand that father's love is very important for children? When I was young, I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would worry. When I was in kindergarten, many children made fun of me because I didn't have a father. Me, how many fights have I had with people over this.”

While Mo Bao was talking, Su Nian seemed to be sleepy.

 She slowly closed her eyes, with a smile on her lips.

"Those people were really cowardly. They knew I was the young master of the Li family and they still came to trouble me. In the end, my parents brought them to apologize to me. How groveling they were. Mom, you know how old I was at that time. I really I feel very proud, haha, don’t you know, if you knew, you would definitely hit me." When Mo Bao said this, the knife in his hand hurt his hand without realizing it.

 Blood dripped onto the ground little by little.

"Oops, why did I let it slip? Mom, you don't want to hit me, do you? I'm already so old. If you hit me, it would be a shame for me. You'd better stop hitting me. It's okay to scold me. ?"

 But Mo Bao got no reply.

At this moment, he couldn't hold back any longer.

  started to cry.

  "If there is an afterlife, I will still be your son. If there is an afterlife, I will not cause trouble, I will not make you tired, I will not..."

Li Beichen looked at Mo Bao kneeling on the ground. The scene in front of me became blurry.

He stretched out his hand to grab something, but couldn't catch anything.

 The next moment, Li Beichen opened his eyes.

 It turns out that Su Nian got sick from overwork in his previous life.

 It can even be said that he was the culprit of her tragic fate in her previous life.

Su Nian, yes, where is Su Nian? Where is Su Nian now?

When Li Beichen's consciousness returned, he remembered this important thing, and immediately lifted the quilt and got out of bed: "Su Nian, Su Nian."

Li Beichen became increasingly panicked.

 The image of Su Nian's hand hanging down in his dream appeared in his mind.

   Su Nian, Su Nian.

Li Beichen felt that his sanity was slowly disappearing.

At this moment, Su Nian's casual voice sounded: "What's wrong? What happened? Are you having a nightmare again?"

Li Beichen turned around when he heard the voice.

When he turned around, he saw Su Nian standing not far away, holding a piece of cake in his hand.

Li Beichen immediately walked towards Su Nian.

 At this moment, he really wanted to hold Su Nian in his arms.

 But this time, before he could get in front of Su Nian, she took a few steps back and said seriously: "Don't come close to me!"

 (End of this chapter)

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