Chapter 718 It feels good to be a rich man

Su Nian laughed when he heard this.

But before Su Nian could say anything, Sun Ying'er spoke again: "Oh, my brain, what are we standing here for? You can't blow the wind now, we'd better go in."

As he said that, he hurriedly walked inside.

 When you arrive at the reserved suite.

Su Nian was driven to bed and covered with a quilt.

 Looking at Sun Ying'er who was adjusting the air conditioner and Li Beichen checking all aspects of the room, he smiled.

 Waiting for Sun Ying'er to finish it, she looked at Su Nian.

"Confinement period is very important. You have to use this month to recuperate the meat you lost. Look at how you look now. There is no blood on your face." Sun Yinger looked at her after saying this. Turning to Li Beichen: "Your responsibility as a husband is the most important. You must take good care of you. You usually say so well, but now is the time for you to show it. Do you know? If you treat Nian Nian badly, Then I, my sister, will not let you go."

Su Nian looked at Sun Ying'er, who had a serious face, and the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously.

Li Beichen put down the things in his hands: "Hey, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Su Nian. If you really think I can't take good care of him, then I won't say anything to you no matter how you deal with me. , I will let you clean it up obediently."

These words satisfied Sun Ying'er.

Now Sun Ying'er feels a little pity, but it is a pity that she is not Su Nian's biological sister. If she were Su Nian's biological sister, then she could say more as a sister, instead of just saying a few words now.

“Sister, I really have nothing to do, it’s just one day.”

one day.

Sun Ying'er had been coming to accompany Su Nian every day these days, but she didn't expect that Su Nian would give birth yesterday after she was just a little late. She didn't want to cause any more trouble, so she could only wait until now.

 But I was really worried yesterday.     Feeling of being on tenterhooks all the time.

“The days are like years, but fortunately you are fine. Well, let me take a look at the child and see what kind of baby Nian Nian has given birth to. Let aunt see what the baby looks like.”

Sun Yinger walked to the cradle.

Sun Ying'er's eyes lit up when she saw the pink and jade-carved little face.

But also, how could the children of Su Nian and Li Beichen be ordinary children.

 “This little cutie is really beautiful. What’s his name?”

“Li Chenmo, his nickname is Mo Bao~” Su Nian said with a smile.

Sun Yinger murmured a few times when she heard this.

 The kind that seems to want to be remembered and kept in mind.

Then he looked at Mo Bao and continued: "Mo Bao, Mo Bao, our Mo Bao is really cute. Mo Bao is the cutest baby I have ever seen. My aunt thinks that when you grow up, baby, you will be very handsome and special. Handsome." When Sun Ying'er said this, she wanted to reach out and touch Mo Bao's little hand, but when she realized that there were bacteria on her body, she immediately took her hand back.

"Mo Bao, I didn't prepare any gifts for my aunt, so I bought a children's playground for you so that you can have a place to play in the future. No, don't dislike the gift that your aunt gave you. I will definitely give it to you in the future. I’ll prepare more and better gifts for you.”

Su Nian couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he heard this.

  【No wonder everyone wants to be rich, it feels really good to be rich. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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