Chapter 720 Confinement is really a long time

Su Nian really didn't expect that he would actually give Zhou Xu serious instructions.

And Zhou Xu’s work ability is really reliable.

 Soon many sets of identical clothes were delivered.

Looking at these clothes, Su Nian really didn't know what to say.

 After she sighed deeply in her heart.

  【Now I really feel more and more that Li Beichen is the kind of person who can't take jokes. 】

  【Just talking casually. 】

   Just create such a big formation. 】

Li Beichen raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this complaint.

 Actually, he did this not only to please Su Nian, but also to save face. Mo Bao could pee on him in any way, but if he went to meet outsiders, it would be a bit bad to smell him.

 “Now I think of another bad thing.”

Su Nian looked at him when he heard this.

At this moment, Li Beichen came up to her and said, "What if you get tired of looking at me? After all, you have children now. What if you get tired of looking at my face and leave the father and leave the children?" ”

Li Beichen said this in a joking tone. In fact, he was testing whether this little woman still wanted to leave her father with a son.

These words made Su Nian narrow his eyes slightly.

  【Yes, I was busy and forgot about it. 】

[Li Beichen is of no use to me now, haha, I’m not afraid of anything now. No matter what Li Beichen thinks, I don’t have to worry. After all, my husband may cheat or become another husband, but the child no matter what Whatever happens is your own. 】

Li Beichen:…

Now Li Beichen really wants to slap himself in the mouth.

Why do you have to be so mean-mouthed? Why do you say "leave the father and leave the son"?

  It can only be said that the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still have to work hard.

But at this moment, Su Nian turned his attention to Li Beichen again.

  【Okay, okay, Li Beichen is doing well now, so it's not impossible to stay for the time being. ]    Li Beichen looked at Su Nian when he heard this.

He saw a hint of arrogance in the little woman's eyes, and then Li Beichen continued to speak: "However, I don't think I need to worry too much. I was wrong. You don't just see me as one person, but two people." Look, I just need to switch between the two looks quickly."

 Two looks.

These words made Su Nian confused. What do you mean by two looks? Where did he get the two looks?

However, when Su Nian saw Li Beichen's half-smiling look, he was immediately speechless.


Li Beichen continued to coax the child calmly.

 Leave Su Nian here alone and speechless.


  Confinement is a long and complicated matter.

I don’t know if it was Su Nian’s illusion, but she felt that this confinement period was more difficult than the confinement period in her previous life.

Su Nian felt that maybe she had to deal with a lot of things even during confinement in her previous life. After all, the directors in the company were all eyeing her, wanting her to make mistakes, make a fool of herself, and then take everything away. But in this life, Li Beichen didn't have so many things to do when he was alive.

 Eat and sleep every day, and eat after sleeping.

Su Nian really feels like a pig now.

Even though the confinement center she was in had many projects, she still felt bored.

Especially Li Beichen, during this time Su Nian really felt that this Li Beichen was not like her husband, but really like her father.

 This thing cannot be done, and that thing cannot be done.

 It’s really annoying.

Su Nian would always find a bunch of reasons to refute when he protested with Li Beichen.

 (End of this chapter)

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