Chapter 723 The word "heroine among women" does not fit here

  When Su Nian finished washing her hair and just walked out.

 Li Beichen appeared in front of her.

 Before she could react, she was wrapped into a rice dumpling.

 That’s right, it’s rice dumplings.

"You're making such a fuss... This is indoors and there are constant temperature air conditioners everywhere. There's really no need to do this." Su Nian said helplessly.

"What if, what if there is air leakage somewhere? And I asked, this is the first time you wash your hair in confinement, so you need to pay more attention. If you don't pay attention, it is easy to get the root cause of the disease. These words I don't know how many times I have told you, but you still haven't remembered it." Li Beichen said as he strode forward.

 After returning to the room.

Li Beichen put the person on the bed, and then took the towel and hair dryer that had been prepared.

 “It’s almost done.”

“Blow again, and at the same time, you can use the hot air from the hair dryer to warm yourself up.”

Su Nian glanced over and saw the serious look in the man's eyes.

 Even a bit like facing a powerful enemy.

Li Beichen made sure that there was no moisture in Su Nian's hair and that her body was completely warm.

Only then can I feel completely relieved.

Li Beichen put down the thing in his hand and kissed Su Nian on the face: "Baby, you are so good. If you are always so good, then I think you will be able to recover in a short time. Maybe you will not have confinement." After sitting, your body will recover."

“If that’s really the case, can I give birth early?”

 “No,” Li Beichen said seriously.

Su Nian:…

  【Isn't that nonsense? 】

  【However, now I really feel more and more that this guy is treating me like a child. 】

  【Well...he once said a few days ago that he treats me as his daughter. ]    【If you think so, it’s really...really...】

When Li Beichen saw that Su Nian's thinking was a bit unstoppable, he quickly said: "But if you don't take a good rest, you may not stay here for more than a month. Do you want to stay here for two months? I It doesn’t matter, anyway, for me, your body is the first priority.”

Su Nian immediately understood what he said.

 Then he nodded seriously to express his understanding.


"Auntie, the child you gave birth to is so cute. I have never seen such a cute child. I think this child will definitely be a hero among men, a hero among women, and a superhero."

Facing Lu Jing’s praise, Su Nian’s mouth twitched slightly.

Sun Ying'er couldn't help but remind her: "Well, the word "female hero" is not suitable to be used here."

Now Sun Ying'er really regrets it.

 I regret why I brought this guy here. really won’t work without it.

This guy is cheating in the company.

That’s right, it’s just cheating.

 Like a child.

 This guy Lu Jing really doesn’t know what a face is.

 There was no other way, she could only bring him here.

"Did I make a mistake in bringing this guy here? What if his stupidity is really transmitted to Mo Bao? Then wouldn't my aunt harm Mo Bao?" Sun Ying'er couldn't help but complain to Su Nian.

After Sun Ying'er complained, Lu Jing's voice sounded: "Aunt Sun, if stupidity can be contagious, what will you do if we stay together all the time like this?"

After Lu Jing said this, he realized that he had said the wrong thing, and he quickly said loudly: "Bah, bah, bah, what's stupid? How can I be stupid?"

 (End of this chapter)

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