Chapter 771 Li Beichen’s method

Su Nian was startled by Mo Bao's cry.

 She looked down at the little baby in her arms: "What's wrong, Mo Bao?"

Mo Bao looked at Su Nian with tears in his eyes.

Su Nian's tearful eyes really made Su Nian a little unbearable: "What's wrong? Why are you crying all of a sudden? Mo Baobao, tell your mother why you are crying."

Mo Bao hugged his mother tightly.

Su Nian immediately understood what Mo Bao meant: "Does Mo Bao mean that Mo Bao is sad because his mother has been a little too busy recently and has not played with Mo Bao?"

Mo Bao nodded.

“Then mommy will stay with you and play with our calligraphy baby today.”

Then the family of three went out.

Mo Bao, who was held in his father's arms, enjoyed this feeling very much.

Since he could remember in his last life, he knew that he had no father, and he also knew that he could not have a father or cause trouble to his mother.

 But he was held in his arms by his own father.

 Walking among the crowd is really enjoyable.

Li Beichen saw Mo Bao in his arms so happy, so he reached out to lift him up, and then let Mo Bao ride on his neck.

 When Mo Bao felt that his vision suddenly became empty, his heart suddenly tightened.

But after reacting, he was even happier.

Mo Bao was happy, and Li Beichen, the father, was also happy.

 —Because this way he can free his hand to hold Su Nian.

Su Nian, who had been busy for so many days, felt very relaxed when walking on the street.

But at this time, when she felt her palm suddenly being scratched, her heart suddenly tightened, and then she turned her head and looked at the instigator next to her.

 But the instigator looked at the front calmly.

 As if nothing happened.

Su Nian suddenly got the idea of ​​playing a prank at this moment, stood up on tiptoes and kissed the man on the cheek.

The man being kissed turned his head and saw Su Nian, who was looking forward with an expressionless face.

 Spent the afternoon shopping.

 They are just like ordinary families, shopping and shopping together. They didn't go back to the hotel until Mo Bao was tired.

 After putting Mo Bao to sleep.

Su Nian was held in the man's arms and whispered in her ear: "The child is asleep."


“I think we spent the whole day with the child this afternoon. Since the child is asleep now, it doesn’t mean that we have the right time at this time.”

The man's deep voice was like a feather gently passing through Su Nian's heart.

 “Aren’t you tired after walking so much in the afternoon?”

 After Su Nian said this, Li Beichen directly picked her up and told her with practical actions.

 He is not tired at all.

Su Nian smiled and hugged his neck, leaning against his chest.

What Su Nian didn't expect was that Li Beichen actually took her into a small boat.

 It’s like a rowing boat in a costume drama.

Su Nian’s eyes suddenly lit up.

 “Can you row this?” Su Nian asked excitedly.


Hearing this, Su Nian looked around and saw no staff.

At this moment, Li Beichen hugged her from behind: "I suddenly thought of a way."

"any solution?"

“If you just call me “husband”, maybe I’ll do it right away.”

Su Nian:…

Su Nian actually rarely shouts like this except on special occasions.

The key point is that every time I shout like this, I feel like I’m giving someone a leg up.

 (End of this chapter)

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