Chapter 777 Sun Yinger’s murderous eyes

"You are like this. Only a blind woman can fall in love with you." Sun Ying'er gritted her teeth when she said this.

Although Sun Yinger clearly knows that as the person in charge of this company, she has many things to deal with.

But Sun Ying'er still wanted to feel that she needed to scold this guy to death before dealing with other things.

This guy is really awesome.

If she were Lan Min, she wouldn't fall in love with this guy.

Even if you are blind, you won’t fall in love with this guy.

Lu Jing is really aggrieved. He also has eight-pack abs and exercises regularly. What is going on today? Why can't he even hug a weak woman like Min'er?

Is he such a weakling?

 At this moment, Lu Jing suddenly had a bold idea.

 Immediately walked up to Sun Yinger.

Sun Yinger, who was feeling angry, was stunned when she saw the man approaching her.

 And suddenly had a bad premonition.

"What do you want to do."

 After Sun Ying'er finished speaking, Lu Jing took action.

 I saw Lu Jing reaching out and picking up Sun Ying'er.

Su Nian, who was being held by Li Beichen, felt nervous when he saw this.

What if this guy Lu Jing throws Sun Ying'er down?


Not only did Lu Jing not drop Sun Ying'er, he could hold her easily and even spin her around.

“Hahaha, let me just say that I am not a weakling. I have eight-pack abs. How can I be a weakling with a standard perfect figure?”

 Lu Jing is very happy now.

 But someone is unhappy.

after all…

Su Nian, who was beside him, suddenly realized. 【Oh~ Is there a setting in this world where only the male protagonist can pick up the female protagonist? 】

  【This setting... is really not an ordinary idiot... The author probably couldn't come up with such a setting even if he has suffered from cerebral thrombosis for ten years. 】

Li Beichen:…

 He also thinks this setting is a bit ridiculous.

 “Put me down!” Sun Yinger said through gritted teeth.

Lu Jing shuddered subconsciously when he heard this, and immediately put the person down.

Su Nian looked at her sister like this and felt that her whole body was filled with anger.

Lu Jing also realized that Sun Ying'er was a little angry at this moment, so much so that it was a little too much...

 He swallowed silently, wanting to say something to lighten the current atmosphere.

But just when Lu Jing spoke, he saw Sun Ying'er taking out her mobile phone, as if checking something.

Seeing such behavior, Lu Jing asked curiously: "Aunt Sun, what are you doing?"

 “I’m looking up criminal law on my mobile phone.”

 Lu Jing:…

"I'm restraining my desire to kill you. After all, I'm still so young. If I kill you now, my youth will be over. No, I can't let this happen! And because of you, I have a great life. It's not worth living your life in prison." Sun Ying'er could almost say it through gritted teeth.

After hearing this, Lu Jing silently took a few steps back to keep his body away from Sun Ying'er.

However, when he saw Sun Ying'er like this, he couldn't help but said: "Actually...if the relationship is in place, might not have to go to jail..."

 After Lu Jing said this, Sun Yinger looked directly at him.

Su Nian next to me:…

 There was murderous intent in his eyes.

Even Lu Jing felt that Sun Ying'er's eyes were glowing red at this moment.

The kind of red eyes in TV series and movies.

I also feel that I wrote it wrong. Lu Jing was written like a little wife. Wow, the picture is so beautiful.



 (End of this chapter)

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