Chapter 783 Asleep?

Li Beichen, who originally wanted to hold his precious wife in his arms at night, could only accept his fate and pick up Mo Bao and walk to the guest room.

Of course, after taking a few steps, Li Beichen couldn't help but stop and look at Su Nian.

 Then I saw Su Nian laughing so hard that he couldn't help himself.'s only one night.

 But it turned out that what Li Beichen thought was a bit too simple.

 More than one night.

 But the whole next half month.

 Mo Bao asked him to accompany him.

 And let him sleep with you, so you won't sleep.

As soon as Li Beichen wanted to say something, Mo Bao looked at him with his big tearful eyes.

With such a look in his eyes, what else could Li Beichen do.

 You can only do it according to Mo Bao's wishes.

 For this "Dad", it can be said that he really paid a lot.

The more Li Beichen behaves like this, the happier Mo Bao feels.

 This is the method he figured out.

 Okay... Mo Bao also admitted that he didn't sleep well with his father in his last life, so this life can be regarded as a little satisfying, just a little wish...

 Ahem, cough, cough, mainly because I want to make him, a good father, feel uncomfortable!

 One night.

When Su Nian was about to go to bed.

 The door was pushed open.

The moment she heard the sound, Su Nian immediately put down her phone, lay down, and closed her eyes to pretend to sleep.

The next moment, the man's deep voice sounded in her ears: "If you want to pretend to be asleep, hide the smile on your face first."

Su Nian buried herself under the quilt after hearing this.

 Then she felt the man's big hands wrap around her waist.

  "Asleep?"   Su Nian didn't speak.

 The man slowly kissed her earlobe.

 The slight numbness made her bite her lip.

 But the more this happens, the more men go too far.

 “Did you really sleep?”

At this moment, the man’s hands reached into his clothes.

Weixuan's fingers wandered over the smooth skin.

 She couldn't pretend anymore.

But Li Beichen listened to Su Nian's inner complaints.

  【What's going on with this guy? He obviously promised Mo Bao to sleep with him, so why did he come back in the middle of the night? 】

  【This is obviously cheating! It’s really abominable! 】

   【I won't wake up. I'll see what he can do to me. 】

 In the darkness, the man raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

 He gently turned the person over: "Are you really so cruel? Do you really don't care about me?"

After Li Beichen finished speaking, he could clearly see the corners of the woman's lips rising.

"I almost forgot. Even if you don't wake up and don't cooperate with me on some things, it doesn't matter. I can be self-reliant."

The body filled with male body pressed on Su Nian's body.

It seemed as if a fire was approaching a haystack, and the fire was about to break out.

How could Su Nian keep pretending in such a situation? She opened her eyes and looked at him with a smile: "Aren't you sleeping with Mo Bao? You ran back so secretly, aren't you afraid that Mo Bao will wake up? I found that you can't speak. Forget it, wouldn’t your efforts for the past half month be in vain?”

"You also know that I have been working hard for half a month." Li Beichen's breath was a little quick: "I haven't touched your body in the past half month. Today, even if the sky falls, I will touch your body."

Su Nian rarely saw Li Beichen in such a hurry.

 After all, she spent a lot of thought and time to take down this guy.

However, Su Nian still feels a little proud now, feeling that the lofty Buddha has been pulled down from the altar by him.

 (End of this chapter)

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