Chapter 791 Isn’t it bad to express disdain clearly?


"We despise you, we despise you clearly, and you are happy to be with me, right? It's not uncomfortable."

Lu Jing nodded when he heard this: "You are right. Although you two dislike me, I am really happy to be with you. But if you don't let Zhou Xu hit me, then That's the best." After saying this, Lu Jing touched his face with his hand: "Look at my face, my handsome face."

Sun Ying'er looked at Lu Jing's recovery...she now felt that this guy was pretty good at emo.

"Okay, I promise you, I can dislike you less in the future, and I can also tell Nian Nian to make her dislike you less." However, Sun Ying'er still said this reluctantly.

 After saying this, he stood up and planned to walk outside.

Seeing Sun Ying'er leaving, Lu Jing hurriedly chased after her: "Just be less disgusting, why just a little, why not more, Aunt Sun, please don't be so stingy."

But Sun Ying'er had no intention of stopping.

But when he walked to the door, he saw Lan Min coming in.

Sun Yinger is very calm.

But Lan Min's expression immediately changed.

"Aunt Sun, did you hear me? Just a little more, just a little more. After all, I was beaten like this by Zhou Xu. As my aunt, you can't feel sorry for me a little bit. One thing, if you don’t promise me, then I will really show it to you.”

Lan Min listened to these words.

Sun Yinger, what did you say to Lu Jing again?

She finally came up with this solution: "Miss Sun, what did you say to Lu Jing." When Lan Min said this, she almost printed the words "What did you say to sow discord between us" directly on her forehead.

 “What did I say? What do you think I said to him?”

Lan Jing looked directly at Lu Jing and looked at him seriously: "Lu Jing, our relationship has been here for so many years. I can say that anyone in this world will lie to you, but I can't. , Yang Jing is really a good girl, I have known her for so many years, and I know her very well. "

"You clearly know what I want, but you use others to frustrate me." When Lu Jing said this, he sneered: "What Aunt Sun said just now makes sense. She and aunt also dislike me, but they But it’s much better to express your disgust than you do in your heart.”

 “No, I didn’t…”

"Whether you have it or not, our relationship ends here. I am serious this time. After all, they all despise me. Why don't I choose someone who obviously despises me."

Lu Jing was really angry this time.

 He can accept that Lan Min doesn't love him, and he can accept the fact that he is a spare tire and even a dog licker, but he really can't accept that Lan Min casually gave himself to others in order to get rid of himself.

 He really doesn’t know what he is in Lan Min’s eyes, is he just a toy? then what!

 After saying this, he directly took Sun Ying'er's hand and walked forward.

You must know that she had been thinking about introducing Yang Jing to Lu Jing for a long time. She thought that this would change everything, but she did not expect this. She immediately stepped forward: "Lu Jing, I really don't dislike you. If you want You know, you have always been the most important person in my heart. This is why I can’t hold others in my heart because of Linyuan.”

 But this time, no matter what Lan Min said, Lu Jing had no intention of stopping.

 (End of this chapter)

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