Chapter 801 Su Nian: Why do I feel like my sister is lying?

Lu Jing immediately started rubbing his head after hearing this.

How could it become like this?

"Why do I feel that I like you? It's a mistake. It feels like it will delay me for the rest of my life. How could this happen? How could it delay me for the rest of my life?" Lu Jing really had a headache now.

 Is he going to be a bachelor for the rest of his life?

No way.

When Su Nian heard this, the way he looked at Lu Jing changed.

 She really didn't expect that Lu Jing could say such a thing.

 The world of this novel has really changed.

You must know that in his previous life, Lu Jing really had his family ruined by the male protagonist because of Lan Min, and he still wanted to express his gratitude to Lan Min.

"Then what should I do, two aunts, please think of a way for me. I am the only one in the Lu family. Although my family is not very feudal and superstitious, but... my family has so much money. If I really become a bachelor, then Don't you think it's a pity?

But when Sun Ying'er heard this, she shook her head and comforted: "Lu Jing, why do you think so? You can't open up the situation a little bit. If you are really single in this life, then you can If your family's property is donated to the country, then you may be able to completely honor your ancestors."

But these words made Lu Jing's expression even more ugly: "I don't have any descendants anymore, so what's the use of honoring my ancestors? When I go down in the future, no one will burn paper for me, then will I become a pauper after I go down? .

  Oh, I don’t want to be a poor man. When I was alive, I lived a life of either wealth or wealth. How can I become a poor man after I die? I will definitely not be able to live that life by then. "

Sun Yinger:…

She really doesn't know whether she admires Lu Jing's imagination or what.

 He is still here worrying about what will happen after he dies. Haha, this guy really has a very good imagination.

Seeing that Lu Jingda was going to continue talking nonsense, Sun Ying'er quickly spoke to stop him: "Okay, okay, stop talking, really stop talking, I will help you find a way. Don't howl."

But Lu Jing continued to howl as if he didn’t hear him.

With no other choice, Sun Ying'er could only use her trump card. She said calmly: "Are you sure you want to continue? If you really plan to go on like this, then I can only call Zhou Qi to solve this problem."

 After Sun Ying'er finished speaking, Lu Jing suddenly became quiet.

"Actually, prejudice does not arise in a short time, but takes time to arise. Look at Li Beichen, Li Beichen also faced this situation before, but now no one questions his love for my family. So, you have to do The only thing is to use your actions to prove that you have drawn a line with your past self, and that you are no longer the past self.”

 “Is this really all it takes?”

Sun Ying'er nodded and patted his shoulder very solemnly: "You must know that I am your aunt. As your elder, of course it is for your own good. When have you ever seen your elders lie?"

Su Nian next to him looked at this posture.

 Why does she feel...that her sister is lying to others now?


Sun Ying'er continued to say seriously: "But I hope you can be more serious and really show your own attitude, not to win someone's attention. After all, we are equal for life, and no one can be a stepping stone for others."

Lu Jing nodded crazily: "Yeah, I know, Aunt Sun, I know! I know what to do!"

 (End of this chapter)

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