Chapter 811 Li Beichen must be embarrassed today

"Of course not. If you want to see it, you can certainly see it."

Su Nian’s hand has already touched his book.

Just when he was about to take the book from his hand, Li Beichen suddenly sighed.

Su Nian almost laughed out loud when he heard this sigh.

  【This guy just sighs, why doesn't he hide his nervousness. 】

  【The more he behaves like this, the more I want to see him embarrassed. 】

  【Hahaha, I'm so looking forward to it. I wonder what the consequences will be if I embarrass Li Beichen. Will you be embarrassed to face me? 】

  【The more this happens, the more I look forward to it. 】

So Su Nian asked knowingly: "Why did you sigh suddenly? Don't you want me to touch your things? If that's the case, you can tell me directly and I won't touch your things."

"No." When Li Beichen said these two words, he sighed again.

This voice made Su Nian's eyes more and more excited.

"If not, then why are you sighing like this, Beichen, you didn't keep saying that we are husband and wife. Husband and wife should explain your true feelings. For example, if you don't want me to do something, just say it directly. After all, if it's true I would rather not make you feel uncomfortable.”

   【Hahaha, what you said is that I don't believe this guy won't touch me. 】

  【Anyway, tonight, Li Beichen must lose his face to me! If I don’t throw it away, I won’t feel comfortable! 】

"No, as far as I'm concerned, I'm all yours. Of course you can do whatever you want with my things, it's just up to you whether you want to or not." After Li Beichen finished speaking, he lowered his head and pressed it against her forehead: "It's just When you came back today, your attention was on your children, and now you are focusing on these things. Isn’t it a bit unfair of you? "

Su Nian really wanted to laugh when he heard this.

                囧囧囧囧, such a grievance sound. ]     【The more he behaves like this, the more excited I become, hehe. 】

  【It’s really exciting. 】

"You are wrong. If I don't care about you, then how can I be interested in the things in your hands? So you are wrong about cause and effect. Because I care about you, I am interested in you. If I really don't care about you. If so, you are just a stranger in my eyes, how could I be interested in your things, or if you see me being interested in other men?"

These words made Li Beichen thoughtful.

 It’s like analyzing whether the logic makes sense.

"What do you mean? You still have to think about it. Don't you believe what I say?"


[If my guess is right, how come he wants to kiss me like this, and then kiss me until I lose my mind, and then... hmph, I want to do this again, I will never let him succeed with this trick, absolutely Won't! 】

Just like that, Su Nian looked at Li Beichen.

"I just feel that you love me more than I thought. You will like something because of me, and you will be interested in things about me."

This voice of joy made Su Nian slightly stunned.

"Actually, I never thought that I was the kind of person who worries about gains and losses. I even thought that the emotion of worrying about gains and losses would make men look too cowardly. But now I understand that if you really fall in love with someone, how can you worry about it? What a face."

When Li Beichen said this, Su Nian kept looking at him.

 There was even a sense of trance in his eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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