Chapter 818 Lu Jing is injured?

 The other side.

After Zhou Qi took Lu Jing away, Sun Ying'er quietly handled some work.

 When it’s time to get off work.

 She took out her mobile phone and started to check which restaurant was delicious, and planned to try it with Su Nian after get off work.

 In fact, Sun Ying'er really feels happy these days.

She is no longer the kind of woman at home who only knows how to spend money, thinking about what to do and what to do every day, but thinks about work, and after work, she asks Su Nian to go out to play.

 The sisters went out to play together, chatting and laughing.

  It was a really happy day.

After confirming the restaurant, Sun Ying'er took her bag and clothes and walked outside humming a song.

 But when she just opened the door.

Lu Jing fell in.

When she saw Lu Jing's face covered in bruises, her heart suddenly tightened, and then she knelt down and asked nervously: "What's wrong? Why are you like this? Who hit you?" But Sun Ying'er finished speaking. After saying this, his expression suddenly changed.

You must know that it was Zhou Qi who took him out just now.

 Now that Lu Jing is like this, the only explanation that can be given is Zhou Qiqian's.

 Zhou Qi…

 Is Zhou Qi really so cruel?

“Aunt Sun, I really don’t have any so-called malice towards you. I really want to get along with you, cough cough cough… I don’t know… cough cough cough… why, just…”

At this moment, Lu Jing's face looked weak.

  Just that kind of speechless look.

This really made Sun Ying'er more and more worried: "Okay, okay, don't say such things. You are already like this, so stop talking."

"I want to say, I want to say, really want to say, although you hate me, but I really want to stay by your side. Maybe it's because my mother died when I was young, so...ahem" Lu Jing After saying this, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

 That’s right! Lu Jing just wanted to have enough at one time. Lu Jing really used his brain this time.

 He really felt that he couldn't continue like this.

If this continues, then the beating will really be endless.

And that guy Zhou Qi is really jealous of his handsomeness and always slaps him in the face.

 Such a situation, of course, we must find a way to solve.

 So Lu Jing used his wit, hehe.

During the time he spent with Sun Ying'er, he had long understood that this Sun Ying'er was a talkative person with a soft heart. As long as Zhou Qi was appeased and fed, he would be fine.

Hehehe, yes, he is so witty.

"Why did Zhou Qi beat you like this, Lu Jing, I really don't know. I didn't know Zhou Qi would beat you like this. I thought Zhou Qi just talked about it, and then Zhou Qi, Zhou Qi him."

 She really feels a little regretful now.

I regretted why I always let Zhou Qi beat up Lu Jing.

You must know that fists and feet have no eyes. In such a situation, it is easy for problems to arise.

 I really regret it now.

 I regret why I made him like this.

why is it like this.

She quickly said: "Lu Jing, don't worry, you will be fine."

When Sun Ying'er said this, it could really be said that her hands were shaking uncontrollably, shaking like crazy.

Although Lu Jing is occasionally a bit unpleasant and even a little irritating.

Even sometimes, she has bad thoughts and hopes that this hateful guy will disappear.

 But...she really doesn't want anything to happen to him.

 (End of this chapter)

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