Chapter 821 Zhou Xu really wants to kneel down

 Lu Jing is really a little embarrassed when faced with such a situation.

 But he knew it very clearly.

 The more this happens, the more you should stay calm.

Then he covered his face: "Oh, oh, it really hurts. I really feel like I'm going to die now, I'm really going to die, wuwuwu, what's going on, why is this ambulance like this?" Wait, Aunt, Aunt Sun, are you a little busy? If you are, then I will leave now. You are all busy people, so I won’t disturb you. "

 After saying this, he wanted to run away directly.

 But in this situation, if he can escape. That's the weird thing.

Sun Ying'er rushed directly in front of Lu Jing with one quick step.

  Carried him over.

"Zhou Qi is really cruel. You can't leave like this. You call me aunt every day. I can't just sit back and do nothing. Don't worry, I, as your aunt, will definitely make the decision for you! I will definitely make the decision for you."

 Lu Jing:! !

Sun Yinger is really angry now.

How could this **** guy have the guts to deceive her feelings?

 Haha, now that you are brave.

However, Su Nian approached Lu Jing who was being grabbed by the collar with a curious look on his face.

 I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Lu Jing really feels like a pig waiting to be slaughtered.

“How did you get these scars? Explain to my aunt.”

Lu Jing laughed a few times: "If I really satisfy your curiosity, aunt, can you let me go once?"

Su Nian did not answer this question.

 Get started directly.

 I just wiped it off without thinking.

 It was really wiped off directly.

"This is really lifelike. Isn't this special effects makeup?" Su Nian said with some confusion.

Sun Ying'er, who was originally angry, began to look at her after hearing this.

Just like that, the two women surrounded Lu Jing, rubbing their hands together. After it was confirmed, Su Nian couldn't help but sigh: "Young Master Lu is indeed Young Master Lu. His actions are so different. He even fooled us into committing such a crime. He is really not an ordinary person."

 Lu Jing:…

 Soon Zhou Qi arrived here.

Zhou Qi's only mood now is regret, super regret.

 Why did I get out of my mind and think of cooperating with this guy?

  It’s really crazy.

If this land scene is reliable, the sow can climb the tree.

 You can definitely climb a tree.

 It’s really amazing.

"Madam, you have to believe me. I was threatened by this guy. I was really threatened. I can be said to be loyal to you."

Lu Jing’s eyes widened after hearing this.

Are you so straightforward to betray your brother?

 You must know that the benefits given by Lu Jing are not low.

Since you have paid for the benefits, you must... make the benefits valuable. Lu Jing immediately said with an innocent face: "Aunt, Aunt Sun, you know me. How could I threaten Zhou Qi? If I If there were any threats to Zhou Qi’s mind, I wouldn’t be here now.”

 Zhou Qi:…

what is this.

 How come stupidity has become this guy’s protective color?

Su Nian's eyes wandered over their faces: "If I guessed correctly, it was Lu Jing who bribed Zhou Qi. After all, Lu Jing has no merit, except that he is rich, very rich."

Lu Jing nodded seriously and immediately said, "Auntie, you are really smart. You guessed my method so easily. Yes, I bribed you."

 Zhou Qi really wants to kneel now.

This guy really went too far!

  I don’t even know what the situation is now.

 Is now the time for flattery?

 (End of this chapter)

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