The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 827: You can't meet amazing people when you are young

Chapter 827 You can’t meet amazing people when you are young

"Okay, okay, stop talking, Beichen, please stop talking. I really feel that you and I are not worthy, quite unworthy, very unworthy."

The smile on Li Beichen's face grew more and more.

 Looked at Su Nian again.

 Okay, Su Nian is still unhappy.

  Still need to talk about it properly.

He immediately walked to Su Nian's side and said, "What's wrong? Why are you unhappy? Mo Bao said he didn't want to see his mother unhappy. If his mother is unhappy, Mo Bao will be sad."

Mo Bao nodded seriously when he heard this.

Mo Bao now clearly knows that there is nothing he can do now.

  However, the attitude of the watch should still be expressed.

As expected, Su Nian immediately smiled when he saw Mo Bao nodding seriously.

 Immediately, he reached out and took the calligraphy treasure from Li Beichen's arms.

"Mo Bao, be good. Mom knows that Mo Bao is the best, but mom still wants to have a good talk with you, Mo Bao. Mom hopes that you, Mo Bao, will become a powerful man, a responsible man, a man who will not lie, and not a glib talker." man."

 And after Su Nian said this, he glared at Li Beichen fiercely.

After being stared at so hard, Li Beichen lowered his head and touched his nose.

In Su Nian's eyes, such behavior is a sign of guilty conscience.

 So Su Nian felt happy immediately.

"Mo Bao, you are usually so smart. I think you will understand what I mean. You must become a good man. If you don't become a good man, then even if you find a wife in the future, your wife will If you run away, there will be no place to cry.”

When Mo Bao heard this, how could he not realize that this was his dear mother mocking this cheap father?

 In this case, then be obedient.

Mo Bao blinked his eyes, and then nodded seriously. Sun Ying'er's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw Mo Bao like this.

This child, this child is really a bit too smart.

“Mo Bao nodded just now. Mo Bao is really smart. I have never seen such a smart child. Come here and let Auntie hold you.”

Mo Bao smiled brighter and brighter after hearing this.

Such a bright expression really made Sun Ying'er confused.

Sun Ying'er reached out and hugged her: "This child is really a bit too smart. Niannian, you look like this, I really want to have a child. It's really great. This child...Niannian, other things I don’t envy you for anything, but I really can’t help it. You are really amazing. It’s great that you can give birth to such a child.”

 Ahem, no one is unhappy when they hear someone complimenting themselves.

 Especially Mo Bao is just a child.

How can a child not be happy when he hears praise for himself?

 Just keep laughing.

“Sister, don’t be envious, maybe your fate will come soon.”

When Sun Ying'er heard this, her body suddenly stiffened.

But he reacted quickly.

 Although the time was short, Su Nian still captured it.

 There is a saying on the Internet called

 —When you are young, you cannot meet someone who is too amazing.

It is true that Sun Ying'er fell in love with Huo Linyuan because of the setting of the novel, but Huo Linyuan was also a very amazing light in her life and could not be ignored at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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