The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 834: Why do you feel that Lu Jing is looking for someone to take advantage of?

Chapter 834 Why do you feel that Lu Jing is looking for someone to take advantage of?

"Okay, okay Zhou Xu, I know that my previous behavior may have harmed you. I also saw it when you were called out by Li Beichen. We are all brothers. We brothers should not care about this."

Zhou Xu snorted coldly.

 Do you think you are really him?

 It would be great if it was him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not worthy of being your brother, Mr. Lu, let's just be acquaintances." Who knows what Zhou Xu will come up with!

Just when Zhou Xu was about to hang up the phone again.

Lu Jing's voice sounded again: "Okay, Zhou Xu, if this is the case for you, then don't blame me for being rude to you."

This made Zhou Xu stop moving.

 He actually wanted to know how this guy could be rude to him.

"Okay, although I admit that I don't have much ability and I am not as powerful as you to come up with any powerful tricks, but I can spread rumors. I am also the eldest young master of the Lu family. If I spread rumors, then someone will definitely believe it. Li Beichen No matter how powerful your abilities are, it’s impossible to protect your reputation.”

 Zhou Xu:…

This guy... Why does his brain suddenly seem to work better?

 Why, why is this happening.

Zhou Xu took a deep breath and then said: "Young Master Lu, you are the eldest young master of the Lu family after all. With such an identity, why do you care about someone like me? If you care about you like this, it will only make you look inferior." identity of."

"It doesn't matter. I already have a high status. It's okay to fall off occasionally. Hey, what does this mean? I have fun with the people. It's nothing. Just be happy."

Zhou Xu really doesn’t know what to say now.

 What does this mean? Are you really relying on him? What else could Zhou Xu do? He could only take a deep breath and say again: "I beg you, I beg you, can you let me go? I'm just a worker. You're like this." It’s really a bit awkward to hold me back, it doesn’t make any sense at all.”

"Zhou Xu, what you said doesn't mean anything. We must not deny ourselves. If I deny myself, how can others think highly of us, right?"

 Zhou Xu:…

How can this guy be an encouragement?

 What is there to encourage about this?

 Ah ah ah, it’s not that Lu Jing is unreliable.

If Lu Jing was a little more reliable, he wouldn't be like this.

real! So angry!

"I know what your reason is, but you still have to be reasonable. Everything is risky. There is no such thing as a cheap lunch in this world. Even if you are abused by that hateful guy Li Beichen, you still don't have me. , I will never let you go, no, I should definitely not treat you badly."

 “What on earth do you want to do!”

With Zhou Xu's tone, what else could Lu Jing do but say honestly: "I didn't do anything, I just felt that I couldn't play with those two women, so I still wanted to find some skills, just like that guy Li Beichen, He is simply a wife slave. He is whatever Su Nian says. He really has no moral integrity at all. I really don’t know many people, so I can only look for you. "

Zhou Xu sneered after hearing this.

Haha, why does he feel that this Lu Jing is just looking for someone to take advantage of?

Now if someone asks Zhou Xu how he feels, it would be regret, as much as he regrets.

Zhou Xu really couldn't understand what was wrong with his mind at that time and why it was like this.

 (End of this chapter)

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