Chapter 836 The Day of the Immortals

 After Zhou Qi pulled the person out.

Su Nian smiled and lowered his head to read the documents.

This design competition.

 She spent a lot of money.

You can't just smash it down, you still have to find a way to make a sound.

 If it were smashed like this without even making a sound, I don’t know how many people would laugh.

 After watching it for a while, Su Nian felt a little tired.

Just take a break and leave the company to find a coffee shop.

 Sitting in a coffee shop.

Holding the coffee and looking at the pedestrians coming and going outside, Su Nian was in a very good mood.

 The present day.

Su Nian really felt that he was living the life of a god.

  The reason why I say this.

 It's because in her previous life, she was always thinking about all kinds of troubles.

 Work hard to learn various things, for fear that if you fail to learn one thing, it will cause huge disaster to the company. It's not even possible to come down and have a cup of coffee right now.

  After all, her character is the kind of woman who is bought and sold in a big family. Everyone wants to see her make mistakes, and if she really makes a mistake, they can pull her down directly.

When you come down for coffee at work, other people will think that you don’t take the company’s affairs to heart at all. How can you take responsibility if you are like this?

  In any case, in her previous life, she would say whatever she did.

 Always try every means to make things difficult.

 But it’s fine now.

 Do what you like and don’t have to worry so much. After all, the company is her own, not something that was built with the hard work of several generations.

Just when Su Nian had almost finished drinking her coffee, she was about to leave.

 Suddenly a person sat opposite her.

After seeing the person clearly, Su Nian's eyes raised slightly: "Miss Lin, long time no see." Yes, the person sitting opposite is Lin Na.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time. I really didn’t expect to meet you here.” Lin Na said this with eagerness on her face.

What should I say? This is really a bit too false.

  After all, this is downstairs of her own company.

 Isn’t it normal to meet yourself?

 “It’s been a long time since we last met.” Although Su Nian was speechless.

 The two men shook hands briefly.

 After a simple handshake.

They separated.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you. It seems that I haven't seen you since Mrs. Li got pregnant. Of course, when Mr. Ling was one month old, I went to attend, but you were a little busy that day and I didn't talk to you." Lin Na was there. When he said this, his face was filled with regret.

Su Nian looked at Lin Na when he heard this.

With Linna’s rank, it is impossible for her to say such offensive words.

So Lin Na was so direct, which caught Su Nian a little off guard.

 Perhaps it is for this reason that Lin Na said this.

“That’s really a bit embarrassing. I was really busy at the time and I forgot about it for a while.”

"It's okay, it's okay. How could I argue with you about this matter? If I really argue with you about this matter, then it would appear that I am too inhumane. If word spreads, I will definitely be laughed at."

Su Nian really wanted to applaud when he heard this.

This Lin Na is really awesome.

 The process of going back and forth suddenly made me feel as if I owed her something.

  Let your current momentum fall into disadvantage.

 It’s really not simple.

 (End of this chapter)

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