Chapter 845 Lu Jing: No, no, no, I will never give you a chance to regret

Who would have thought that Lu Jing would naturally say, "There is my father."

Such a sure tone really made Sun Yinger not know what to say.

 Why does it feel like Lu Jing is still a little proud?

Lu Jing was a little embarrassed when Sun Ying'er looked at him like this, and then he touched his head: "I know what you are thinking, Aunt Sun, but this really has nothing to do with me. I also want to be the kind of person who has the power in the company, but my old man doesn’t want to. My old man thinks that I am the kind of person who succeeds more than fails. If I want to manage the company, it is better for him to do it himself. "

Sun Yinger:…

 She looked at Lu Jing carefully.

 Why do you think what Lu Jing said makes sense?

 It makes perfect sense.

Lu Jing said again: "The biggest thing my old man said is that it is better to have a barbecued pork than to have me, so I hope I can start a family and start a business soon. You also know my situation. It is really not easy for me to get married."

“My mission is to get married and have children as soon as possible, Aunt Sun. Now I really feel that I am so useless. I can’t do anything. Even I can’t get married and start a business. Why is this happening?”

 These words... really made Sun Ying'er not sure how to answer it.

Well, actually sometimes I still feel a little pitiful when I hear Lu Jing say these words.

 “This, this…”

"I know you hate me, you can even say you hate me, but I'm doing this to hone my will. No matter how you treat me like this, I won't say anything." Lu Jing was saying this. I kept sighing all the time.

Well, of course Lu Jing had other ideas when he did this.

 He knew that Sun Ying'er was somewhat famous in the city's circles.

If you can let these wealthy nobles know that he has changed through Sun Ying'er's mouth, wouldn't your life-long affairs be easy?

That's right, Lu Jing is so smart.    So super smart.

Sun Ying'er really didn't know what to say. What did this guy mean? This guy seemed to have turned her into a whetstone. It was really hateful.

This guy is really hateful, super hateful.

Sun Ying'er glared at him fiercely: "Why did you..."

"Aunt Sun, what's your expression? You look like this. Why do you feel like you don't want me to be by your side? Why? Didn't you keep saying before that you could let me be by your side? How long has it been? You This... is really a bit unfulfilled.”

After Lu Jing said this, he looked at her with pitiful eyes.

This pitiful look.

Well, Sun Yinger admitted that she should not have been soft-hearted in the first place.

 Now I’m stuck with this guy.

Sun Ying'er responded coldly: "I know what I promised you, and I have never regretted it."

"Really, do you really have no regrets?" The pitiful expression on Lu Jing's face suddenly disappeared.

 The whole process was allowed to be witnessed by Sun Ying'er.

Such a process really made Sun Ying'er really don't know what to say, so she turned her attention to the document again: "What's the use of regretting it? Can you give me a chance to regret it?"

Lu Jingzai shook his head quickly after hearing this: "No, no, no, I will never give you a chance to regret it, absolutely not. Don't worry, I definitely won't."

What else could Sun Ying'er do? She could only simply smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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