Chapter 855 Lu Jing’s toughness

 But it would be better if Sun Ying'er didn't say this.

After Sun Ying'er said this, Lu Jing felt even more aggrieved: "I went, but my bad old man told me to get out."

Sun Ying'er: ...She also had the same idea and wanted to tell Lu Jing to get out.

 But Sun Ying'er's words haven't been spoken yet.

Lu Jing was the first to say: "Aunt Sun, what do you mean? Do you also want me to get out?"

Sun Yinger nodded.

But when Lu Jing heard this, he suddenly lost his composure: "What do you mean by that? Besides, I have already asked my old man to kick him out. How can you bear to ask me to get out again? Do you really have a conscience like this?" ?”

"I told you to go away, how can it involve your conscience? What do you mean? You are trying to cheat. Let me tell you, I don't accept cheating."

"I'm in such a miserable state, can you really bear it? Oh, oh, can you really bear it?"

 “Tolerance, very forbearance, super forbearance.”

 Lu Jing:…

But Sun Ying'er couldn't help but want to ask: "To be honest, even if your father really drives you away, there is no need for you to come to me."

Unexpectedly, Lu Jing would ask very rudely when he heard this: "Aunt Sun, please tell me who I should go to and what kind of teaching I should find."

How to say it?

Sun Ying'er fully understands Lu Jing's current situation.

 Indeed, as far as Lu Jing’s current situation is concerned.

"Then why are you looking for me? Do you think I understand? It would be great if I really understood. I don't know anything and need to learn slowly. You have been with me for so long, you Don’t you know what I’m capable of?”

Who knows, after Sun Ying'er said this, Lu Jing shook his head: "I know your ability, but there are really too many things I need to learn now. I really can't feel at ease by myself, so I want to be by your side, Aunt Sun, so that when I see your appearance, Aunt Sun, maybe I will be infected too. In this case, I will study hard." Lu Jing looked at the documents in the office, really. It's a headache.

 He even felt that his head was going to explode.

If it had been before, Lu Jing might have given up directly, but what happened to Sun Ying'er this time made him have to be honest.

Humo Linyuan has eaten him to death in his entire life. You can't let your son do this.

Lu Jing thought of a way.

 After all, Sun Ying'er is so powerful.

 I always feel ashamed when I am around Sun Ying'er.

 Only in this way can we be better able to work hard.

"Aunt Sun, I really have no choice now, that's why I thought of this solution. Aunt Sun, do you really want to see my son, my grandson, and my great-grandson suppressed by Huo Linyuan?"

“If Huo Linyuan could live to the age of your great-grandson, he would become an old goblin.” Sun Yinger complained coldly.

But he didn't expect that Lu Jing waved his hand directly after hearing this: "These are not important, anyway, this is the logic, Aunt Sun, you are the only one who can save me now, and even the future of our entire Lu family depends on you." If you don’t agree, then our Lu family will really be doomed!”

When Sun Ying'er heard this, she couldn't help complaining: "What do you mean by this? Are you trying to kidnap people morally?"

 I didn’t expect that it would be better if Sun Ying’er didn’t say this.

When Sun Ying'er finished saying this, Lu Jing nodded seriously: "Yes, I am morally kidnapped like this. Aunt Sun, do you have any opinion?"

Sun Ying'er really has never seen a person who can explain moral kidnapping so directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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