Chapter 864 Mo Bao knows everything

Li Beichen looked at the little man.

 He saw worry in his small eyes.

Then he said in a gentle voice: "Don't worry, dad is fine. Your dad and I are very powerful. How could anything happen?"

 The gentle voice really made Mo Bao smile.

Li Beichen then reached out and gently rubbed Mo Bao's head.

 The father and son showed a rare warmth at this moment.

Su Nian next to him also laughed when he saw this scene.

However, after the tenderness was over, Su Nian still spoke: "Beichen, since there is nothing wrong with your health, I will take the child back to my old home."

This time Li Beichen's expression suddenly changed.

You must know that in the past few days, considering his illness, Li Beichen tried not to have too much contact with Su Nian, which prevented him from getting close to Su Nian.

 It’s not that he really wants to do anything, he just wants Su Nian to be in his arms.

 Just stay in your arms like this.

These past few nights, thinking about Su Nian, he couldn't help but feel a little itchy in his heart.

Now that he heard this, he coughed decisively.

When Mo Bao saw this father, hehe, even if this guy was not pretending to be ill, Mo Bao was sure that this man was definitely pretending to be ill.

How could Su Nian not see the man's thoughts?

 Because I can see it, so...

"What's wrong? Why are you coughing again? You've obviously recovered before. Why are you coughing again suddenly? Does your coughing like this mean that your condition has suddenly worsened again? That's terrible. If your condition worsens, what should I do? You can get Mo Bao here, okay, I will take Mo Bao back to the old house now."

 After saying this, he held Mo Bao in his arms and walked out.

 But this time Su Nian was stopped before he even reached the door.

Su Nian was stopped and did not speak.

 Just looked at the man in front of him quietly.

 She wanted to know what this man wanted to do.

"You can leave, but have you forgotten something?" Su Nian: "What is it?"

 Su Nian’s face now seems to have writing written on it.

 Written, let me see what you want to do.

  【This man won't say, has he forgotten me? 】

 Hum, I'm just waiting for this guy to say. 】

[When this guy says it, then I will say that I can’t hold him. According to the attitude in Mary Sue novels, usually in such situations, the male protagonist comes to hug the female protagonist, and I will directly expose him and say that if I can If you hug me, how can you get sick? 】

  【That's right, that's what I said, just hit him back like this. 】

  【Hmph, do you really think of me as one of those ridiculous little girls? 】

Li Beichen:…

Well, Li Beichen really wanted to do this.

 Since this is the case, then the only option is to change.

 So Li Beichen took advantage of the little woman's distraction, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

 “You took away my medicine, how can I get better?”

Su Nian glared at the man fiercely when he reacted.

  【This guy really went too far. The child is still here, how could he do this? 】

Li Beichen couldn't help but feel a little itchy in his heart when he saw Su Nian's angry look.

"What do you mean, I took away your medicine, and what are you doing? You didn't see Mo Bao still here. You are really going too far. What if you lead Mo Bao to bad things? "

 “What can he understand now.”

  Mo Bao:…

 He knows everything.

 (End of this chapter)

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