Chapter 881 Lan Min got the idea

Su Nian stayed for a while and then left.

 After others left.

 Lin Na took Lan Min to a quiet place.

 Wait until the door closes.

Lin Na's good expression completely disappeared. She looked at Lan Min impatiently: "What are you doing here? Have you forgotten that you are still pregnant? If something happens to you here, Huo Linyuan How can I afford to trouble you, Lan Min? I don’t think I’m sorry for you in any way. Why do you do this to me? You..."

When Lan Zhen saw Lin Na like this, he quickly said: "Lin Na, you misunderstood, you really misunderstood, I really don't want to cause you trouble, I am really worried about the old man, after all, if there is no old man, how can we do it?" I know you, how could you help me so much?"

If Lan Zhen were someone else who said this, he might be a little moved.

But when Lin Na heard this, she smiled contemptuously: "Lan Shi, I remember I told you that I hope you won't use your methods to dangle in front of me. These methods of yours can only disgust me." , it’s of no use at all, why are you still using it?”


"I don't know what's going on in your heart, but if you have some brains, you also know that what you have to do now is to take good care of the meat in your belly. If you can't take care of the meat in your belly, , if it is gone, then the future is gone. You have to know how many women in this world want to climb into Huo Linyuan's bed."

Lina is really going crazy now.

 She really put in a lot of effort for today's game.

Although Su Nian's company is nothing at all and can even be said to be a joke, Su Nian is Li Beichen's weakness.

 If you want to make good use of this weakness, make a fuss about it.

 Then it is really possible to make big profits.

 But she usually had little chance of contact with Su Nian. Even if there was any chance of contact, Su Nian was very wary of herself, and it was impossible for her to have contact with him.

 Now it is ruined by this Lan Ren.

   Lan Min: "Lin Na, I know what you mean, but I hope you can look at me squarely."

"Look at you, tell me what I want to look at you, and what benefits you can bring to me." When the person who was already very upset heard this, he became even more angry: "You Have you forgotten that you are just a chess piece of mine, a chess piece, Lan Min. It is true that the piece of meat in your belly is very valuable, but if you are disobedient, then I can make the piece of meat in your belly disappear at any time. ”    When Lan Min heard this, he subconsciously covered his stomach.

Lin Na’s eyes made Lan Yi not doubt the truth at all.

 But Lan Min knew very well that if he really retreated, then he would really be a chess piece to be played with casually.

 It is simply impossible to get on the stage.

 She must persist.

"Lin Na, I can understand what you mean, but aren't you afraid that I will be disobedient?"

When Lin Na heard this, she stopped moving, and then looked straight at Lan Min.

 Such a straight look, really a bit like a falcon's eyes.

  Incredibly sharp.

"I know very well that you are just taking advantage of my temper and being easy to bully. Although I can't be on the stage in your eyes, don't forget that I have the blood of the Huo family in my belly. You do have it. Means, but do you think Huo Linyuan will let go of those who harm the Huo family's bloodline? "

These words really silenced Lin Na.

 She really didn’t expect that this Lan person would suddenly become enlightened.

 Interesting, really interesting.

“Have you become smarter? Haha, can you tell me why you suddenly became smarter? If you tell me, it will also give me a little insight.”

Originally, Lan Jian thought that after she said it, Lin Na would be so angry.

He was even ready to bear Lin Na's anger, but he never expected that this would happen.

 (End of this chapter)

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