Chapter 883 Sincerity is the ultimate weapon for everything

Sun Ying'er couldn't help it any longer, so she slammed the documents in her hand onto the table: "Lu Jing, what on earth do you want to do! Do you have any brains at all?"

When Lu Jing saw Sun Ying'er like this, he immediately smiled: "Aunt Sun, are you too tired from work, which makes you feel bad? But it's okay. You can hit me or criticize me as you like. As long as you Be happy, you can do whatever you want, I have no problem with it, I really have no problem with it.”

 “I have an opinion!”

"Aunt Sun, I think my attitude should be very good now. Tell me what attitude you want me to have. Just tell me. No matter what the so-called attitude is, then I can give it to you. Guaranteed satisfy you."

After saying this, Lu Jing looked at Sun Ying'er with pitiful eyes.

During this period, he had already gotten to know Sun Ying'er thoroughly.

Knowing that Sun Ying'er is a woman with a sharp tongue and a soft heart, Sun Ying'er would definitely not be able to bear it.

Sun Ying'er was not stupid. Of course she knew what Lu Jing meant, so she took a deep breath: "Lu Jing, I know your brain is not very good, but I really hope you can think about it carefully. You must think about it carefully." Think about it, I am just an outsider, do you think it is really okay for you to let an outsider take such a shaky hand in your company's affairs?

 Do you know Wu Zetian? "

Lu Jing nodded seriously.

"Since you know Wu Zetian, you should know what will happen if outsiders interfere too much. Are you really not afraid?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Jing shook his head when he heard this: "Don't be afraid, you know my virtue, my old man always says that one day these things in our family will defeat me. , I don’t think any outcome is worse than this one, so if you buy it now, Aunt Sun, it may bring new hope to our family.”

 When Lu Jing said this, his eyes were extremely sincere.

 It’s really as sincere as you want to be.

Sun Ying'er now believes that sincerity is the last resort in everything.

 Because Lu Jing was angry with himself no matter how much he did during this period.

 But it’s this sincere look.

Sun Yinger really didn’t know what to say.

The same thing happened to her this time. Immediately, Sun Ying'er sat down helplessly: "Lu Jing, knowing you, I have really been unlucky for eight lifetimes."

 “This is the eighth time you have said this today.”

Sun Yinger:…

 This is also the place that Sun Ying'er dislikes the most.

This guy even remembers this.

 I’m really speechless.

  I am really speechless.

"Aunt Sun, I think you should think in a better direction. Don't you women like the character of a strong woman now? You can now control the Qianyi Group, the life and death of the Qianyi Group. It’s all in your hands, isn’t this the setting of a domineering boss that you women like?”

“Our women’s dream is to marry the boss, not to become the boss!”

But after hearing this, Lu Jing shook his head: "=Aunt Sun, your idea is wrong. If you didn't have the idea of ​​becoming the boss, then how could you have started that company with my aunt, Sun Auntie, you want to hide it from me, haha, I’m not that easy to deceive.”

Sun Yinger finally understood.

This Lu Jing is always witty in places where he shouldn't be.

 But this wit always leaves me speechless.

Lu Jing also knew that Sun Ying'er was not in a good mood right now. The more Sun Ying'er looked like this, the more attentive he had to be.

He immediately came behind Sun Ying'er and quickly squeezed her shoulders very attentively: "I know Aunt Sun, you may be a little tired now, but as the saying goes, those who are capable work hard. You are so capable, so naturally you are a little tired. point."

 (End of this chapter)

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