The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 885: It would be nice if I could escape the sea of ​​suffering

Chapter 885 It would be nice if we could escape from the sea of ​​suffering

When Lu Jing saw his father like this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Dad, don't worry, Aunt Sun is not such a stingy woman, but you are too, why don't you knock on the door when you go in? If you knock on the door, let Sun Auntie is prepared. If Auntie Sun was prepared, she might not be so frightened."

"Hey, I'm not used to it, but don't worry, I will definitely change it immediately. I will change it immediately. This kind of thing will definitely not happen again."

 “This is what you said yourself. If there is a next time, then...”

When Father Lu heard this, he gave him a disgusted look: "What do you mean? What is your look like? Am I as unreliable as you?"

 The reason why Father Lu is like this.

 The reason is very simple.

 For so many years, he just thought that his son could make a little difference.

 After all, the father does not want his son to be successful.

 It's true that Lu's father has been disappointed because of Lu Jing's behavior in recent years, but disappointment is a disappointment.

 But now there is such a person who can lead his unpromising son to the right path... Under such circumstances, Father Lu did not regard Sun Ying'er as his ancestor, but... restrained himself.

"I will never do this next time, but you should learn from Ying'er. You are a man, but you can't compare to other people's girls. Do you really feel embarrassed? To put it bluntly, I really feel sorry for you. I feel ashamed of your behavior, very shameful.”

When Lu Jing was said like this, he couldn't help scratching his head: "I know, dad, you really shouldn't say that. After all, Aunt Sun has been talking about me all the time. You still say that about me now. You really are." It makes me a little uncomfortable. You really have the heart to make your son feel so uncomfortable. Am I your biological son? You treat me like this."

"I have been struggling for many years as to whether you are your biological son. In order to prove this matter, I have also thought of many ways, but the final result is to prove that I am your biological father. But if you also If you have any doubts about this matter, then you can find a way to prove it. I kind of expect you to be able to prove it. If you can prove it, it will be good for both of you and me. "

 Lu Jing:…

 There is really no need to be so disgusted.     It's really not necessary.

"But I scare people. As a man, I really need to have an attitude. After all, I am so many years older than them, and they call me brother. If I really don't show my own attitude, , It’s really a bit unreasonable.”

After saying this, Father Lu put his hands behind his back and walked slowly and leisurely.

 Such an attitude really made Lu Jing a little uncomfortable.

When Lu Jing returned to the office, Sun Ying'er immediately walked up to him and asked nervously: "How is it? What is your father's attitude? Does your father think I have gone too far? Is he very angry? If so, If so, then I will come and apologize in person.”

Sun Ying'er thought about it while Lu Jing was away. It would be a good thing for Lu's father to come in.

Although it is indeed a bit unethical.'s not bad to be able to get yourself out of trouble.

 You must know that no one in this world wants to work! Especially when other people work and get paid, but she is busy here, but she doesn't get any so-called wages.

 That’s right, it’s just a waste of time.

Forget it if you work for nothing, you still have to worry every day about whether you will make a mistake by doing this or that, and what if you really make a mistake.

 (End of this chapter)

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