Chapter 897 This small scene is normal

Su Nian went downstairs humming a song.

 “Mr. Su, Mr. Su”

 Along the way, employees in the company greeted Su Nian politely.

Su Nian responded with a smile.

Employees along the way could feel that Su Nian was in a very good mood.

 Several employees even took the opportunity to make some comments to Su Nian.

Su Niandu said a few simple sentences.

 Arrived downstairs.

 She walked directly to the door humming a song.

 But when she just walked towards the door, someone came towards her aggressively.

When Su Nian realized this, he subconsciously started to dodge.

 But it was too late.

 He was splashed with water directly.

This really made Su Nian feel chilled and happy.

However, the security guards in the company control people immediately.

"Su Nian, you murderer of a thousand cuts, why are you so shameless, why do you treat me like this, do you think you are so rich? Do you think you can have this world if you have money?"

 “Who do you think you are.”

Su Nian took the towel from the security guard's hand.

How to put it this way, Su Nian really hasn't felt like this for a long time.

Su Nian sighed slightly in his heart.

 Well, in the novel, the entrance of the company is indeed a dangerous place.

 There are usually many famous scenes.

Su Nian once met an author when he was reading a novel. He always said that the male and female protagonists were fighting at the door of the company, and then wrote about it and discussed it with the people in the company.

 Written seven or eight times.

Su Nian really couldn’t bear it anymore, so he posted a question directly.

 As a result, someone said.

 1. There are many people in front of the company, and they know the male and female lead. 2. Finally, write a wave of people's reactions, and can also speak.

 3. The author can quibble.

 For example, what was the reason for the quarrel last time and what is the reason for the quarrel this time? How could it be the same?

 Okay, this is the author's bad mouth.

 Zhou Xu was really about to cry.

 Why should this be so.

 It’s a close call again.

 My own salary.

Su Nian adjusted herself and realized Zhou Xu's face. She understood what Zhou Xu meant and walked to Zhou Xu's side: "Zhou Xu, don't worry, these are small scenes, small scenes, it's okay, your family Madam, I don’t know how many scenes I’ve seen, this small scene is normal.”

 Choose an honest briber from Su Nian.

 It is already destined that this path will not be easy.

 But Su Nian's expression changed the next moment.

The reason why this is so is because the person who was caught said: "Why, why, just because you have money, you can trample on our dreams, why, just because you have a good background, you can easily obliterate our efforts. "

These words…

Su Nian looked over and saw a woman with a crazy face.

At first, Su Nian thought that this person was causing something, but when he saw the person being controlled by the security guards, Su Nian subconsciously rejected such an idea.

Even Su Nian himself didn't know why he would deny the other party so subconsciously.

 “Su Nian, you will not die well.”

 Zhou Xu next to him was really mad.

What on earth does this guy mean, does he treat himself like air?

Just when Zhou Xu wanted to do something, Su Nian signaled to stop.

"Su Nian, you don't have to die well. You don't have to die well. If you have the ability to kill me, I swear that as long as you are still alive, I will definitely not make it easy for you."

This vicious look really made Su Nian a little suspicious, wondering whether he had really done something heartbreaking.

 Perhaps there is some personal enmity with this person.

 (End of this chapter)

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