Chapter 906 Public Opinion

 When the news came out, everyone was shocked.

How to put it this way, reincarnation is a technical job. If we reincarnate well, then we can really say that we will win at the starting line. 】

  【Haha, wasn't she doing whatever she wanted in that competition? 】

                                                            ious you actually spoke ill of the Crown Princess. Who do you think you are, and how do you think you can speak ill of rich people. 】

  【Perhaps this competition is organized by others, they are just for fun, it is enough for them to give you the qualification to accompany everyone, why are you so greedy. 】

  【But I am really unwilling to do so. I don't want these rich people to do whatever they want. 】

  【Are the dreams of us ordinary people just dreams? 】

  【Haha, these rich people can really do all kinds of disgusting things. 】

【Friends, stand up. If you don't stand up this time, what if there are rich people bullying you again? You must stand up properly. 】

  【Nine years of compulsory education, three years of high school, and four years of college, isn't our hard work just hard work? Is the hard work of rich people just their hard work? We must unite well. 】

I feel really bad. I have put so much effort into passing Level 4, but I didn’t expect it to be like this. Could it be that we can only be a stepping stone for the rich? 】

  【Do you know how far it is three or four hours away from the county seat? I just lived in such a place and came out step by step on my own. 】

In this situation.

Su Nian’s public opinion online is getting worse and worse.

 Some people even launched a campaign to overthrow the crown princess.

But Su Nian, and even the entire Li family behind Su Nian, didn't react at all, as if the fire was misfiring.

 This makes the situation online more and more popular.

As the protagonist, Su Nian is indeed paying attention at the moment. She looked at the tablet in her hand calmly.

But Su Nian looked calm, but the others couldn't.

 Especially Sun Yinger.

Sun Ying'er looked at Su Nian with a distressed expression. Those comments on the Internet really wanted Sun Ying'er to kill someone, but they couldn't do anything.

After all, the current public opinion has reached a certain level. If we really try to control public opinion now, it may have a counter-effect, which will be even worse for Su Nian.

 So even if Sun Ying'er has the intention to kill people now, she really can't do anything.

“Auntie, I don’t think we can continue like this. I think we need to do something. For example, I will block all those accounts, and I will tell those people to shut up, shut up hard.”

Sun Yinger looked at Lu Jing when she heard this.

Although what Lu Jing said now is indeed a bit unreliable and even a little confusing, Sun Ying'er is still a little envious of Lu Jing and envies that Lu Jing can do whatever he wants.

You can say whatever you want without worrying about anything.

 Does this mean that fools are blessed?

But yes, there are countless smart people in this world, and they can even reach the point where one mountain is higher than the other. In this case, being stupid will make yourself more relaxed.

 There is no need to live so tiringly.

Of course, it would have been better if this guy Lu Jing was not angry with her.

 (End of this chapter)

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